Using Nutes..


Well-Known Member
I have some 30-10-10 I want to use for vegging. How old does the plant have to be before i can start using it. whats the usual ratio of water to nutes? I dont want to over feed


Well-Known Member
Dont mean to sound awful here but have you tried reading the nutes to see what they recommend using?

I use an EC meter and match the strength of my nutes the growth phase my plants are in. For example seedlings and young plants i give an EC of around 0.4-0.8 then when they are in full swing i up it to 1.5.
This for me is half strength to begin with and then full strength when the plants are growing vigorously.



Well-Known Member
usually a few weeks old unless you are using a soiless mix like coco.

personally i wait until i see signs of N deficiency then start feeding at half recommended ratio.



I have some 30-10-10 I want to use for vegging. How old does the plant have to be before i can start using it. whats the usual ratio of water to nutes? I dont want to over feed
Vegging nutes don't get added until about 4 weeks in. This way, the plant has a chance to get started, but I'm not sure what sort of medium you're using.

And yeah, like the other guy said, you need to make sure that you are reading the instructions on the packages. I use Advanced Nutrients and they have a great nutrient calculator that tells you exactly what to do, when to do it, etc. Good for idiots like me. LOL

The usual ratio of water to nutes? That depends on the nute strength. You NEED to check with the nutrient company you're using. And remember to always use less than you think you should.

Always better to underfeed than to overfeed since you can always correct the underfeeding. Overfeeding is a little trickier to correct.

I'm guessing you're a newbie since you're on this board, so I'm also going to tell you to take some time to read up on growing. Amazon has some great books on growing that I've used - "Marijuana Horticulture" by Cervantes is the best for your money, in my opinion.

Read up and learn first. You can avoid a lot of mistakes by just spending some time doing your homework....LOL :weed: