Using Nutrients


Active Member
i have a plant that i planted on March 15. its doing pretty good right as of now. im using .12-.9-.7 potting soil in my pot and i have FloraNova Boom(flowering Nutrients) and i was wondering when should i start using this on my plant.



Well-Known Member
is the plant outdoor?.
its very small for over 12 weeks of age, it could have been vegged and flowered in that time, but outdoors takes longer.
i have 3 growing outdoor"in england" and mine are 2 foot tall and all topped"16 main colas/tops.
i feed mine every 4 days , and if you havent fed your plant before, then do, only half the rec dose, for the 1st few times then grd take it up, to the rec dose on the bottle.
also i would pot it on, it maybe root bound, and thats why its soo small, or not getting enuf light.
it looks sad, maybe put it under some flos for a week or two, to get it going.
are you growing outdoor?
have you fed it yet?
and like i said repot it on.
is that your only plant?.

btw welcome to the site.


Active Member
it is my only plant and yes it is outdoors. i live in New Jersey so theres usually sunlight from 730 to 630.. i havent fed it anything yet beside water. i just transplated it yesterday because i was away for a week and when i came back the roots were going crazy in the other smaller pot.


Well-Known Member
maybe it looked ill, because you left it for a week, but its still small.
hopfully now you have potted it on and start to feed 1 time a week for now.
it will grow bigger.
what strain
do you know the sex?
was it a clone, or seed?.


Well-Known Member
here are some of mine planted outdoor around the same time as you.
i have topped 8 times, i keep topping the tops, i think im just going to let them grow now and leave them till they are ready, i have also had 20 clones from each plqant, but im going to leave them now.
all we need now is a little sunshine, its only 14 to 16 here, going to turkey tom its 37 to 40 over there.



Well-Known Member
also do you have air holes in the bottom of your pot?.
how do you know sex?.
has it started to flower, looks like its still vegging to me.


Active Member
Well my cousin took a look at it said it was a female...but i didnt even knew he smoked or knew nething about weed until 2months ago so im just goin by what he said..yes it has drain holes and i dontthink it is flowering yet


Well-Known Member
you cannot tell sex untill flowering, males seem bigger and smellyer, but you only have one plant to go by.
it takes a trained eye to tell sex while vegging, any close up pics?.