Using old niuts that were free 10/50/10 for bloom ???


wasn't sure were to post this question on this type of nuits so here goes. A friend I have know for years turns out to be and old retired grower. Turned thousands of plants a year with major buds so he says and have no reason not to believe him. Gave me a bunch of grow lights and ballasts he had in his shed. Anyways he swears my this peters brand nuits he used back then. gave me 4 buckets of the stuff still sealed in there plastic tubs but many yrs old. I didn't want to turn them down because he's a helpful kinda guy. the grow nuits are 20/20/20 and the bloom is 10/50/10. this goes against everything I am reading on here. Anyone here use this stuff ? bin using dyna grow which seems to work fine but is way under what this stuff does for nuits per gal of water. Any comment is well come :weed:peters 105010 001.jpgpeters 001.jpg:weed:


Well-Known Member
damn man i would only use that beginning of flower, and i love how it has micro too

thats some miracle gro


ya that's a good idea try it on a couple plants for a test , got 12 about 2 weeks into bloom now..... could hit a couple see what it does.


Well-Known Member
The peters is good stuff, definitely usefull. The 10-50-10 is probably too high in P but blended with the triple 20 or your dynagro grow should make a good bloom formula

If you don't want them I'll trade for them.