Using outdoor flower bed in partial mix for indoor? bad idea? if so, can i sterilize


i want to use some garden soil that ive been composting all winter outdoor in my soil mix to prep my starts. i think that i know the soil (tho it appears clean) has some kind of buggies in there that will come out if i bring it indoor. That said, am i over worrying? or should i treat my soil with something? annd if the answer is yet, treat it, what do i treat it with? thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
U can absolutely do this, and u will likely have sum little "buggies" in it, but itz nothing a little neem py oil/water spray cant take care of, and will probably be sum really good soil to use... Dont treat it with anything... u will ruin the microherds in the living soil... If u see whiteflies or other shit, just spray em with neem... Or u can also let ladybugs live in the canna-garden, and they will eat these unwanted things, and leave yer plants alone, and kinda look cool on em, too...