Using packets of Silica Gel in my drying box.???


Well-Known Member
hey all, I just been thinking and want to know if anybody does this, or more importantly, dosnt do this??
Bascially, you know the wee packets of silica gel you get in shoe boxes, or bags, or boxed goods, they work by absorbing moisture, up to 40% of there wieght in moisture apparntly. you then dry them in a oven at 150 c, or about 300f, and then use them again. So dose anyone do this? I just had to cut a branch offa my baby and am drying it,so I threw two packets of this stuff into the bottom of the box with the weed on small drying lines.
Any info on using silica gel packets or exp. with using them would be great.
Take it easy all and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure the silica is not doing anything unless its in a closed-in area. like inside a shoebox or jar etc...

besides, what are you trying to accomplish with said silica? quicker dry? because that always=lesser quality smoke.


Well-Known Member
ha,, no,, if you let me explain,, sorry for the mis-understanding. well The drying box isa shoe box with pin holes all over and drying lines in the top. The plant i had to cut a branch off,she smells like feet so I wanted to see if the bud was moldy on the inside. The idea with the silica was to make sure there was no moisture in the box so if there is mold it wouldnt get worse while it drys. If you see what I mean. .
Not quicker drying, just a more complete dry, if you get what I mean. Thanks for the info rzza.take it easy
Interesting concept and I've seen people ask this before with no legitimate response, maybe do a test on a few buds and post the results...
Could be in the third edition of the grow bible!!
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks,, and Im trying it with this brach at the moe,,so see how it goes. If it gets too dry or taste funny I will let you know.
Take it easy and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Use them if mold is a problem, but increasing drying speed is generally a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
A little bit of airflow would probably work better. If you smell anything funky, look for mold ASAP.


Well-Known Member
AY, I have been looking for mould for the last week,it smells less so now(the branchs still growing) and the one in the box is smelling more weed like after this day of dry,,
so,,we will see if that extra help drys the buds to quickly,.
thanks all and take it easy..

o and yes,,your opion is silly,,haha. take it easy.


Well-Known Member
Clueless? you dont know me,, or what my buds like, or the fact that I have dryed and cured before so I will easily be able to tell the difference...
go suck a lemon bum h*le.


Well-Known Member
I used to use sillica beads (we called it Mollecular Siv in the window buisness) to dry shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Ah,,thats cool, surpose shrooms can be dried quicker without affecting taste.??? I wouldnt know as when we took shrooms , only the once, we just dryed them in the aga(oven) on low for ten mins. then munched them down.
On a slighty different note,, can I ask do you grow the shrooms or just pick them?
take it easy.