Using soaker hose with barrel


Well-Known Member
I'm debating whether I should use a soaker hose next year in my guerilla grow. My plot will be about 30 plants in a 400 sq ft space. It is sloped downhill so I will get some gravity flow although I'm still unsure whether the system will provide sufficient pressure to operate. I was thinking about running a poly line vertically down the side of the plot with soaker lines attached perpendicularly to feed the plants. Anyone with knowledge please give me insight about the situation. I've never had much experience with soaker hoses besides the vegetable garden in the front yard. This soaker hose works great as it feeds consistently across the whole line with the faucet turn on a fifth of a turn.


Well-Known Member
i don't think you will have the pressure needed for a soaker hose...but drip lines might work...
I thought the drippers needed more pressure to run properly and ensure consistency from each emitter. I've found they have special soaker hose for barrels but not sure how long the soaker hose may be.


Well-Known Member
You might check Lowe's or Depot, I think I remember seeing a timer of some sort for faucets.
I may be mistaken, but that would work with your soaker hose.


Well-Known Member
For irrigation I use drip steaks from Netafim. They do not need alot of pressure at all and you can get them in different GPH flows.

I have messed around with these being gravity fed but never have gone live with it. They do drip without a pump but I'm not sure how long it would stay reliable once the water pressure in the res reduces. By a cheap DC pump and your good to go.