Using Super Thrive Properly

My opinion is it is only useful for unhealthy plants... giving it b1 supplement when it may be too sick to produce its own or possibly if it can use energy healing instead of making b1.

But in reality, I have a $10 bottle of ST I never use because I've never noticed any effect.
SUPERTHRIVE!!! Millions of Science Molecules! Great for transplanting shrubs and trees to prevent transplant shock. I like to think it works great for cannabis too, but maybe just for sickly plants. But how can you NOT buy some when you read the packaging, am I right? It basically calls you a moron for not already having some.
I used superthrive as a foliage spray (noob) and my leaves started to wilt and essentially die. Just fyi for those that think about trying it ;)
Hello again! Hope everyone is having a great day so far.. or a great night. Wherever your at.. hope your doing great. I know I am. ;)

Just trying to help the noobies with some nice informative information about how to use Superthrive properly, with your cannabis plants.

Superthrive is a very very potent additive. Some people think that its nothing more than a nutrient. Well, its more than that. Superthrive contains a whole line of complete micro nutrients and mirco vitamins (such as B1) which Cannabis plants love to absorb. ST also contains many of the micro-nutrients and micro-vitamins and trace elements.. that alot of today's nutrient brands don't have.

Superthrive should only be used during the veg cycles of the cannabis plants life. You shouldn't use it during flowering, or on a plant that has started to flower.

Superthrive also contains synthetic Auxins, NAA (1-naphthaleneacetic acid) which isn't good for foliar feeding at all. However, the roots LOVE the synthetic auxins.. which helps the plant develop more bigger and more robust root systems.. therefore.. we all know that the bigger the roots.. and the more roots a plant has.. the bigger; healthier; and healthier the plant will be. More bigger roots, also means bigger more robust buds by harvest time as well. Once again, use it foliar and your plant will stretch (or if you use too much of it) too much will create freaks, not fun best place for auxins are the roots (unless you're into stretchy plants).

Also, Superthrive should only be used once.. maybe twice.. per plant. Any more doses than that, per plant.. will lead to more problems than you want.

Lastly, Superthrive has a mix ratio.. that's the exact same as if you were mixing up a batch of Molasses and water. So once again, the general rule of thumb for mixing Superthrive, is 1tbspn per gallon of water. Stick to that, and only use it once.. twice at the MAX.. and your plants will be just fine. But again, its not something you use on a weekly/monthly basis. It's just a one time (maybe two time) thing.

Oh, and before I forget.. Superthrive is also well known.. for bringing sick plants.. back to life. So, if you ever have a plant that seems sick.. or seems like its not doing very well?? Mix up a 1tbspn per gallon of water.. and give it a watering.. and within two days.. that plant will be back to life in no time.. and it will look 200% better than it did before it received the ST/h20 mix. It will make the stems more robust and stronger; it will make the plants leafs bigger.. and just overall bring the plant back to life.. only it comes back 200% healthier than it ever was.

I hope I have cleared up some of the confusion about using Superthrive with your cannabis plants. If I helped just one person, than typing this up was worth it.

If you have any other questions about the subject, feel free to send me a msg here on the site.. and I'll get back with you ASAP.

Thanks for reading everyone.

-written by GanjaLuvr ( 2010

Hey Brow, very good, thank you for this post.

I just have few questions about it.

I have some baby plants (7 days) and some are not going good...Can I use ST in this case? It's too soon? And how many drops you suggest for me in 1 litter of water for this case?

And for my older plants (3 weeks) I'm thinking to use that with Hi nitro peters fert. For this case, how drops per 1 litter of water+fert? Could you please help me on that?

THanks dude!!
How much to use seems to be a question from many folks and there appears to be many answers. For those that call it snake oil, you've obviously misused this product. Your ppm's were more than likely maxed out before you even added ST. Here's a link to the correct doseage for different applications but as a typical rule of thumb, I only use half of what the manufacturer suggests.

Daily maintence is 1/4 tsp per gallon. I recommend 1/2ml per gal (one half ml per gal.)

Thrive on!!
The "doctor" who invented it won a lifetime achievement award...for marketing and distribution. He certainly deserved that.

According to Wikipedia, "The hormone 1-Naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) does not occur naturally. Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), products containing NAA require registration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as pesticides. The sale of Superthrive is prohibited in Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Oregon as an unregistered pesticide."

Government agencies love to waste money on it as well: 'The SUPERthrive product has many adherents, not only professional horticulturists, but, according to its packaging: "US Departments of Agriculture, Army, Navy; states, cities, counties, universities."' (note that plenty of universities are basically extensions of the government)

I've tested it in several applications and found it to be 100% snake oil garbage.
I'm a bit late Gro4 but if it helps someone....Super Thrive can be used on germinating seeds, rooted/unrooted clones & sick plants.

My very 1st grow was a 50/50 deal. I had the space & electricity, my mate supplied the know how & everything else. 49 clones [before the laws changed] under a 400w, flood to reservoir. We used ST through the entire grow. As it was my 1st grow I had nothing to compare it to. My mate & his friend treated 50 clones with ST, another 50 went without. They said that my 50 with the ST rooted through the small rockwall cubes a week quicker than the 50 without & that the treated had a far superior root system as well [grown on a run to drain table]. My 50 were ready for 12/12 over 2 weeks sooner than the other 50. I forget the yield rates but mine matured in the same time as the other.
Based upon their tests & observations, these guys swore by ST.

The local hydro shops ran out of supply & I assumed ST was discontinued.

From my initial experience with 4 grows using ST, I know the following;
-ST is excellent at keeping clones, seedlings & plants healthy.
-ST boosts root growth in clones & plants on veg.
-I never had a sick plant while using ST.
-ST is the best tonic for a sick plant I've ever used. ST has saved dozens of my friends plants & many of those that had been given up for dead.
-We used ST up till the last few weeks of flowering with excellent results.
-Did the same with foliage spray when the girls were a little heat stressed with no ill-effect.
-I can only assume those who've experienced leaf burn or other damage can only be using way too much. Listen to Gunjaluvr & others who say less is more beecaauusse, LESS IS MORE:)

Snake oil? Thanks for the advice Scotty but I tend to listen to my own experience:)

Now I know it's still on the market I will be getting some. And I will be depriving one girl to see how it goes in pots.
I think it's worth the money just for it's ability to revive sick plants & grow ripper roots on clones.
I think it's worth the money just for it's ability to revive sick plants & grow ripper roots on clones.

I found that it did NOTHING to improve clone rooting nor did it "revive" sick plants. Nor am I aware of a single scientific study by a reputable scientist that supports any of the Superthrive marketing nonsense. In fact, I believe several studies were done that basically support my findings.
I found that it did NOTHING to improve clone rooting nor did it "revive" sick plants. Nor am I aware of a single scientific study by a reputable scientist that supports any of the Superthrive marketing nonsense. In fact, I believe several studies were done that basically support my findings.
So u dont use super thrive when u transplant? Wtf????