Using synthetic nutes with organic


Well-Known Member
My mother always taught me that compost teas do many things. They can inoculate a substrate with beneficial bacteria, fungi and other microbes (the break down organics to plant available nutes). They also feed the plant directly, through water soluable broken down nutes, as well as feeding the current and future population of microbes.

I’ve used synthetic nutrients in a peat/coco/perlite soil that was amended with organic nutrients. I may or may not have “ideal” levels of microbes, but since I also use tea, there is always more being added. It’s definately working.
I just fed my plant with nutes and compost tea in layers hoping that this way it's easier for the microbes to strive


Well-Known Member
That “compost” tea is made from “ingredients above” (guano, bone meal, castings, Kelp and calmag) is a feeding tea. Top dress and water through and be done with chemicals. At best they will render your mix useless for recycling organic growing media.
So I can feed my plants this without using synthetic nutes?


Well-Known Member
Answered what I was asking. How should I feed my plants?
I can chose to only add amendments to the soil and never add anything to your water or use bottled nutrients.

Look at the super-soil recipe by subcool to make some high quality organic soil where you don't even need to fertilize. Or try some Canna or Plagron organic bottled nutrients. Both work very well. You may even opt for a combination of both (By lowering the quantity of organic amendements in your super-soil.).

Hope this helps.