USPS and attitude need help


Well-Known Member
well today makes it the 10th day, and still nothing. im thinking maybe its these snow and ice sttorms and stuff but i dont know. the storms would only affect the mail if the mail was being transfered by airplane.


Well-Known Member
yea still waiting for mine nbut on the west coast u wanna let me know when u get yours and i will let u know aswell


Well-Known Member
well i guess if they get confiscated, i'll just have to chuck it up as a loss, i might go with gypsy seeds boutique next time, but they dont have alaskan ice fem, or a selection close to what attitude has


Well-Known Member
Well I have given up hope. I checked the mail today and there was nothing. There was no customs letter but im guessing that they got em. oh well guess i gotta roll with the punches although this was like a hook from mike tyson. this could have not happen at a worse time. dhhbomb did you get yours yet? do you think i should take the gamble with attitude again when i get enough money to order some more?


Well-Known Member
nope havent yet but attitude hasnt done me wrong if anything its the usps since the tracking clearly says its been there since the 3rd even if customs got them id go with attitude again im going to give it one more full week til next saturday then ill chop it up to a loss


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting too. I ordered Monday, usps says origin post preparing shipment, since weds!!! I need them by the 26th otherwise I wont get them as I will have already left the states..... Damn, hope they come for all of us


Well-Known Member
Type your shipping number in on the usps website, it should say in transit, delivered or maybe held. You don't want it to say held. Usually you get things by the time USPS website tells you anything but in your case it may be different.

With a couple people not getting theirs at the same time it is probably just tied up due to holiday mail.


Well-Known Member
I order on 1/6 and checked daily starting on the 10th. Just checked and it says they arrived in PA on the 15th but it didn't post it till the 17th, sad to say USPS is not too good on posting. Hopeful they will get here today seeing as Mon is holiday and no mail, you hang in there ddot they are coming.


Well-Known Member
how is everyone ordering? i was going to go with the t-shirt way. also how are do you send your payment?? just plain envelope or express to them,? just need a few questions answered about the tude. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I go with the T-Shirt and use a Pre-Paid Visa--------Got a few extra T-Shirts ya need one hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
the t-shirt method worked great for me. I got my seeds in 8 days from attitude. I trusted them so much i ordered 265 dollars worth of seeds on my first order. Trust your fellow roll it upers I did and i couldnt be happier that i ordered.


Well-Known Member
how does everyonre send to them? do you have to drop it off att he post office if you go with moneyorder?


Well-Known Member
thanks.. dhh you should be gettin yours. i just threw them in a cup of water and waitin for them to germ. I got alaskan ice and yumbolt 47 from world of seeds. The only thing is that out of those 5 alaskan ice seeds, 3 looked like they werent mature.. you know the seeds that are like a light brown greenish tint to them. hopefully at least 2 germinate for me. good luck on your grow dhh, what did you order?