Usps wtf/attitude seeds


Well-Known Member
if your seeds are taken by most states customs sends you a shitty indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......


Well-Known Member
My tracking for my order from Attitude has been the same since October 30 and no beans yet :shock:. Ordered on 10/22

our item arrived in the United States in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 3:00 PM on October 30, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.


Well-Known Member
if your seeds are taken by most states customs sends you a shitty indiana customs contacts the state police..and out they come to your home with the dogs......
That's BS. There are a few entry points for US mail coming from Europe. Chicago, where most of Doc C's stuff was getting intercepted, Dallas & NYC. There is no entry point in Indiana.

You are refferring to a post made here a while back from some guy about his friend who claimed customs called the Indiana State Police and they, in turn, called the guy saying they were coming to his house with dogs. Totally made up. LEO cannot get a search warrant just because seeds were sent to a particular address. The cops do not EVER call you to tell you they are coming. That story is one of the more outlandish pieces of fiction I've seen posted on this topic.


Well-Known Member
if tracking states that your package has arrived in N.Y, then does that mean that it already has or is about to go through Customs? i wonder if they check them before they state that it has arrived?


Well-Known Member
That's BS. There are a few entry points for US mail coming from Europe. Chicago, where most of Doc C's stuff was getting intercepted, Dallas & NYC. There is no entry point in Indiana.

You are refferring to a post made here a while back from some guy about his friend who claimed customs called the Indiana State Police and they, in turn, called the guy saying they were coming to his house with dogs. Totally made up. LEO cannot get a search warrant just because seeds were sent to a particular address. The cops do not EVER call you to tell you they are coming. That story is one of the more outlandish pieces of fiction I've seen posted on this topic.
you dont know what you are talking day ill post the search warrant and papers..and no the cops didnt call me..and tell me they were coming..they called me and told me.WERE HERE..


Active Member
you dont know what you are talking day ill post the search warrant and papers..and no the cops didnt call me..and tell me they were coming..they called me and told me.WERE HERE..

Get the cops' address and mail them some. Make a tip to some antidrug task force that they are on their way.


Well-Known Member
take the tracking number you used for the royal mail tracking and plug it into the USPS website.
it'll give you stateside info.

i just got my seeds today from attitude, i ordered last saturday. they don't give you any en route information. on the usps side it just said that origin post was preparing shipment for like 4 days, then it updated when it was delivered. so very non-specific info they're giving out, but it will tell you when it's delivered.

from what i've read it's about 6-7 days east coast, 9-10 days west coast from attitude if you use express.


Well-Known Member
you dont know what you are talking day ill post the search warrant and papers..and no the cops didnt call me..and tell me they were coming..they called me and told me.WERE HERE..
wrong. you have to accept delivery of the package to get a warrant or have pc. maybe the cops came by your house for another reason but it wasn't because your seeds got seized by customs. cops don't call you on the phone either, they just show up... haha dude total bs.

yeah actually the only way you can get in any kind of trouble is if you actually physically accept the package or sign for it (why it's always best to get no signature on these)

typically what happens is an undercover comes to your house in full fed-ex, usps, or ups gear, driving the fed-ex, usps, or ups truck and they do what's called a controlled delivery.

basicaly they have patrol cars waiting down the street and as soon as you sign for the package or bring it inside your house they come bust your door down and now have PC to search the whole place, not only do you get busted for importation of contraband you also get busted for whatever you've got going on in the house at the time.

and 99 times out of 100 even if a package gets seized by customs they just send you that letter, throw that letter away and never send anything illegal to that address again.

now if you are ordering 1000+ seeds and it gets seized, there is a high likelihood that you'll get busted. but there is a defence, just don't sign for shit ever! and don't let anyone see you bring the package in your house. leave it by the doorstep for a few days then take it to a remote location to open it (sometimes they will use a radio transmitter to signal that the box is opened)

as long as you are like 15 min away when you open the box and can dispose of the transmitter (and it's a slim fucking chance that ever happens anyways, but it does happen) you can safely take the seeds to a different address than where you grow or had the seeds sent.

even if they get the warrant to search the destination address as long as the seeds (or any other contraband) aren't there they can't do anything, but it does bring up a lot of heat, but i'd take heat over jail any day.


Active Member
The only way leo will warn you that their coming or that their at ur house is if ur paying them to....i know from personal experiance that they will give u no warning fact if their knocking on your door that means that the dogs are already half done sniffin i was a teenager i had two cop cars and a blak suv with a really dorky lookin dea agent and a detective...."we got an anonomys tip that you were growing marijuana in your basement." to which even at 15 or 16 years old being woke up to cops at he door i replied "oh yeah? well what if we dont have a basement?" "Do you have a warrant?" they reply "no. but we can have one within 10 minutes." "Ok...see ya then..." and i shut the door in their face. went downstairs to my bedroom. a offset block type house where technically the livingroom was on the second floor and my room was the garage converted to living area. when i get down there and open the door i see a shadow on the other side of my mini blinds headed towards the front of the house so i go over to where i have 17 or 18 sapplings in some dirt in a rubber tub...i had no idea what i was doin at that age. and i rip em up an put em down the garbage disposal with some ragu behind em. the cops sat up the street for about ten minutes an left...never to be heard from again..morale of the story...dont fucking trust anyone!! and it is way harder for cops to be paranoid about u than it is for u to be paranoid about them