V shaped leafs and slow growth?


Well-Known Member
HELP ME! lol jkz. i have a dilemma. this will be my second
grow. and i never encountered this before so im just
wondering. um should i throw away this plant? or does it
look healthy? i dont think its stretched because the lights
are like a thumbnail away ( thats the only way i can describe
it lol ) and plus its growing SOOOO slow! its exactly 2 weeks
old today lol believe it or not. and its not yellow, its a healthy
green. its just the lighting in the picture. oh and its in a plastic
pot not glass.


Joe Hemp

That is incredibly slow! I would suggest keeping the plant since it's healthy but where did you get the seed for this one?


Well-Known Member
dude your soil looks like mud that could be 1 major issue lol how many times you watering that fuckin thing..? seedlings do not need much water at all as long as its moist ur straight.. ur roots are probly suffocated. 2 weeks... holy shit..


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure what kind of seed it is. i got carried away with ordering seeds before lol i threw them all in a bag. and forgot about them for like a year and i just found them like 3 weeks ago.

and autoflowa. its not mud. lol and i havent watered it in awhile. maybe its just the lighting? who knows. its from a shitty cam anyways.

should i transplant it?