V-Shaped Leaves - PHOTO INCLUDED

The second set of leaves form a 'V' shape, but when they first grew, they were flat so I don't know why they're using energy to change the shape of the leaves.

*The pH is fine (6.7)

*Temperature of air is 25*C and Temperature of soil is 32*C

*Is has not been over/under watered

*The nutrients are also fine

It has a 135W Equivalent CFL about 4 inches above it.

So I just don't know why it's doing this. HELP



Well-Known Member
it looks fine to me. those look like regular new sets of leaves. maybe wait until it grows a little more because its still brand new and if it keeps doing it then thats when i would really try to find someone to help out but like i said im sure its totally fine especially since you have all the right conditions and it looks like its growing healthy


Well-Known Member
It might be stretching towards the light.. i would lower the light to 1-3 inches above. Also Equivalent isn't what you look at with CFLS its the actual wattage that counts. Looks healthy otherwise :)


Active Member
Nothing wrong with it. But vdp91 is right, wait for it to grow more then you'll know. Medium looks really wet.