V SOG Clone Grow ?


Well-Known Member
Im hoping to get some feedback on this venture good or bad.
I want to utilize a grow tent and some extra equiptment i have laying around.
I am building a wood frame to hold 4 posts in a V sog type clone grow x2, with a vertical light setup.
The reservoirs will be 27 gallon strong boxes, i can fit 4 ,4in posts with a couple inches between posts comfortably.
My plan is to run 5 clones in each post, for a total of 20 per side.... The tent will have 24 hour air exchange and no co2 bullshit.
Im stuck at this point trying to decide what would be the best angle for the posts?????
Another concern is picking the right strain..
I figure going straight to 12/12 after the clones have a nice set of roots and the plants no more then 3-4 inches tall would be a safe bet.
But if they stretch!! things can go tits up very quick... I want fat little christmas tree lolipop type plants... if they stretch out etc.. it will be a loss.
so to the forum members...
What would be the best angle for the posts?????
what could one expect yield wise growing this way??

disregard the noted 40 gallon reservoir..it doesnt fit in the tent.