

So im going on vacation in about a week for 9 days and Im going to be having a buddy watering and feeding my plants.
I was wondering if it was ok if i mixed a few little nute packs for him so all he has to do is add the right amount of water(hes a drunk so wanna make it a bit easyer hehe)
im using AN micro grow bloom,F1, bud candy and bigbud and also Hygrozyme
Kinda wonding if mixing those together without the water and them sitting for a few days befor added to water and use will be bad
Thanks a lot


Active Member
I'm not sure about mixing them without water but I think you should be fine just mixing them all with water in a big enough container to feed them until you get back.


Active Member
I agree with priest. I know with GH nutes you can't mix the micro with the others undiluted, and I don't think it would be worth the risk of losing your girls. Premix with water, show him how to adjust ph and have him call you while he is doing it. No point in losing a crop and a friend. Have fun on vacation, by the way!


Alright thanks a lot guys
guess ill start saving some milk jugs hehe good thing my kids 1 and goes through them like nothing hehe