Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

A straw man argument is the refuge of liars.
Dude, it's not straw man. I realize that's your go to defense, when you got nothing else however. If your assertion is that someone shouldn't be considered due to an investigation, then that same assertion should swing both directions. However I've seen you state many times in the past, that an investigation is not the same as a conviction.
Dude, it's not straw man. I realize that's your go to defense, when you got nothing else however. If your assertion is that someone shouldn't be considered due to an investigation, then that same assertion should swing both directions. However I've seen you state many times in the past, that an investigation is not the same as a conviction.
Your saying it isn’t does not change the fact if it. You mounted a classic argumentum ad hominem.
No I didn't. I simply pointed out your inconsistency on a specifically relevant point. That is not ad hominem. Nice try though.
You may be correct on the ad hominem. Even so, inserting Clinton is a plain straw man.

The fact remains that CCCA is a known disinformation mill with antivax deception as their objective.

You either use good references in a way that is not valid, or references that share your deliberate falsehoods. Your capacity for rational discourse is not being shown in a good light today.
The fact remains that CCCA is a known disinformation mill with antivax deception as their objective.
That isn't a fact, it's an opinion. What is a fact, is that the pharma industry is one of the biggest lobbyist groups as well as advertisers in the country, and have immense control over the narrative which they want to project. It's a fact that even low level state senators like Richard Pan, who has received over a million dollars from pharma, write laws specifically designed to serve and protect big pharma, including "investigating" doctors who simply go against their narrative.
That isn't a fact, it's an opinion. What is a fact, is that the pharma industry is one of the biggest lobbyist groups as well as advertisers in the country, and have immense control over the narrative which they want to project. It's a fact that even low level state senators like Richard Pan, who has received over a million dollars from pharma, write laws specifically designed to serve and protect big pharma, including "investigating" doctors who simply go against their narrative.
More straw men.

Your value as an amusement is reduced when you display drag-limited dishonesty mode. I will say good day, sir, and go on to more fruitful wastes of my time.
More straw men.

Your value as an amusement is reduced when you display drag-limited dishonesty mode. I will say good day, sir, and go on to more fruitful wastes of my time.
Sure, you always run away when you are stumped in debate. It's ok, I have dishes to wash before I take a shower and get moving for my day. Maybe I'll drink coffee today. It's the first day of school, and I have a horticulture class this afternoon.
I interact with you because your reactions amuse me. You're a source of entertainment.
I don't generally interact with you, because you're boring. In fact I don't remember interacting with you in the past, that's how boring it is.