Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Some of us read and have knew all along that vitamin d alone results in zero death rate. Most of us take that anyway.
I was always blown away that our government wouldn't provide basic vitamin suppliments to the masses to combat the pandemic, which other third world countries were able to do.

I was always blown away that our government wouldn't provide basic vitamin suppliments to the masses to combat the pandemic, which other third world countries were able to do.

Right? Seemed organized really, like the monicolinial antibody stuff. I know that is pretty dark. What about FOIA requests that showed CDC knew all along that natural immunity was superior as they stood by watching tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of workers being laid off.
Ok jenius, post a link to a legitimate scientific study that says any corona virus infection gives more than a short immunity window.

You came in all horse dewormer. Now I need to cite an argument you're literally having with yourself.

Is it short or long fuck dude let them all be sterile because I think someone said, you know oh you know the thing.
Here's one that says vaccinated have 13x risk for breakthrough and symptomatic disease for Delta though.

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