Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

You tried this before with the exact same nonequivalent username.

Will your user name return results? You have not levied any similar accusation so I don't care.

The one who did though, happens to have the same username as a poster there. What a coincidence.

Knighting for your friend is cute though, I hope you know each other irl and he gets you something good.
Will your user name return results? You have not levied any similar accusation so I don't care.

The one who did though, happens to have the same username as a poster there. What a coincidence.

Knighting for your friend is cute though, I hope you know each other irl and he gets you something good.
You are not using his username. Somebody who purports to know the word “compiler” should know this.
You are not using his username. Somebody who purports to know the word “compiler” should know this.

I posted the search for transparency. The search used the username string exactly as it appears here.

So I did use his username.

I resent that you dishonestly imply otherwise. But I have come to expect no less of your tactics. Throw a large dash of self proclaimed "virtue" in there for yourself any you have a nice authoritarian recipe.
I posted the search for transparency. The search used the username string exactly as it appears here.

So I did use his username.

I resent that you dishonestly imply otherwise. But I have come to expect no less of your tactics. Throw a large dash of self proclaimed "virtue" in there for yourself any you have a nice authoritarian recipe.
capitalization is a keystroke.
I remember you kinda saying stormfront this and stormfront that one day, like meth posting I assume. So I looked up stormfront because I'd never heard of it.

It explained a lot about how intimate the site is for you.

You got me, I'm a undercover nazi lol. You are dumber than I thought and that's saying something.
Thank you for confirming inequivalency.

It is one. You improperly counted the letter character.

There is no standard you will not pervert in a vain attempt to be all correct, all the time.

Shift is generally used for capitialization. It is also a command key.

So you were wrong on all accounts.

capitalization is a keystroke.

It is in fact 2 keystrokes. Try to capitalize a letter with one.

You prolly meant one key. Still incorrect. There are Tab and Shift. I bet this went differently in your head.
There is no standard you will not pervert in a vain attempt to be all correct, all the time.

Shift is generally used for capitialization. It is also a command key.

So you were wrong on all accounts.

It is in fact 2 keystrokes. Try to capitalize a letter with one.

You prolly meant one key. Still incorrect. There are Tab and Shift. I bet this went differently in your head.
I do it daily.
I'd be willing to bet that there's a Cap'n Morgan of some variety on pretty much every popular message board. It's quite a popular spiced rum.

Ah but do they bandy about a stormfront accusation with someone they simply disagree with. Not likely.

You identify as a libertarian.

Libertarianism is a perversion of freedom politics mounted by forces working toward totalitarian theocracy. Libertarianism is as real as astrology, so the sabotage of critical thinking is already secure.

What you call an accusation is a simple and inevitable endpoint of your politics which are indistinguishable from Maga, even as you say you don’t like that man.
Remember that time you said capitialization on a keyboard was only one keystroke just after you said I typed a site search with capital letters so you could stick up for your buddy's racist accusations thrown at the wall in hopes something stuck?

What a hoot nanny.
It is on my device.