vaccume tube explosion?

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Just came back from vacation and turned on the stereo. I never seen a tube go out like that!!! Lots of smoke and the coolest blue light show, prob would have caught fire if I wasn't around. Thankfully it wasn't the amp. Oh well, running all NOS that I have been sitting on. I was holding out till I got a sub woofer before I wanted to re-tubed it with the Jan/philips. I was running shitty Japanese tubes. Sounds pristine now.

I guess I will ask here vs signing up to a message board to ask a single question. I know there is some smart people and guitar player on here. Is that normal for a tube to go out like that? It was a 6L6 that was about 8 months a class A push/pull....running 12ax7 and 12au7 pre's as recommended, so no tube tweaking for gain.


Active Member
Was the carpet that dirty you blew the vacuum after a week of being gone?:lol:

Gotta give you shit, how was the trip?


vacuum tubes have been obsolete and out of use since the invention of the transistor in late 1947 (because of their size, as well as they had to reach a certain temperature to operate with the proper Beta amount)

what your talking about sounds more like a capacitor exploding....

now your 100% sure its a vacuum tube? wasnt your fuse?

oh shit i see now your talking about your amp

yeah they still use vacuum tubes in those because nothing can beat that clean gain from one

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Decent trip, Cold as fuck. Way too much drinking and red meat. I think I shaved a good year off my life expectancy. I think I am going to stop drinking till new years. Off the wagon or on the ever the hell they say that.

My prayers have not been answered. That grizzly bear neighbor girl did not die/get evicted/or lose weight. 11:30 and that bitch is stompin around pissin me off.

Are you stalking me? Or you miss me that much?


Active Member
Not bad, life is too long anyway eat more meat and drink more beer. Try and lure that grumpy grizzly bitch out with a jelly donut then hit her with your car and collect the insurance money, lord knows you'll bend the frame a bit. Been on here reading and reading trying a few new things with the grow and getting some feedback on some shit.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Yep, my first thought was the caps frying out. I inspected it and everything looks kosher.

100% sure the tube was smokin. Even left a little char on the mounting plate. The power tubes gas turns blue which is normal. Not as bright as it was burning....I am talking crazy bright blue. Electrons had to bouncing around like they were hopped up on crack.

I have had a few preamp(tubes) and solid state for amplification stage in the past. This is my first real deal full tube setup. I am well aware what kinda crazy amount of juice flows though those amplification stage (6L6s). I could build my very own electric chair with some ingenuity:bigjoint:

So far so good after re-tubing it....rocking out to some Miles Davis and Air.