Vancouver BC Canada


Well-Known Member
I am looking for others who are local to chat and grow with.
I grow 2 plants for personal use for my arthritis in both knees.
I am looking to compare when to start seeds, fertilize, lolly pop or not and what you use.
I am not experienced and my last years grow were huge with little bud as I have no idea what I am doing.
I get full sun all day in my back yard so why buy when I can grow my own and know what is in it.

Hope to hear from others and I thank anyone for their help now.


Well-Known Member
Well this year I will be starting from seed. What is the best day to plant? I started last year May 28th a auto strain and it worked out great. I did not cut anything, no lolly popping or topping. I don't have any lights I just put them in my south facing window or outside when it it nice and in at night. The seed was Worrier skunk I think. I also have PK Kush seeds, like lots. I would love to trade. I would love to try a blueberry or purple but wasn't sure about online shopping. The place in Vancouver was all sold out. I had a couple Northern lights but I am assuming they needed to be lolly popped as they didn't bud lots but grew huge. Still an ok smoke for what I am using it for. I have pictures. I got a 20-20-20 mix as well as an organic, not sure the number I would have to dig it out. I stored it in a dry cool place over the winter. It would be so great if you could be my go to person. Guide me to the great place we all call cultivation time. lol I had my neighbor helping me but he has lost his marbles and we are now at war with each other. :( He knew pretty much every thing there was to know about timing and he has all the lights and a shed made for it. Anyways he is no longer a help so this is why I am reaching out to someone. thank you so much for any help that you can give me. I so appreciate it.