Vanguard Documentaries = Yellow Journalism

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
What is their agenda?? I saw the documentary Marijuana Wars, and they made pot look like it's very existence alone causes all the violence and corruption involved with the trade.
Now, on the episode "Arming the Mexican Cartels", All the murder and violence in Mexico are blamed on the fact that guns are being bought in the US and sent to Mexico. The show is pointing out that since you can buy guns legally in the US, (Juarez was the focal point of the show), and that most guns are made in the US, it's all our fault.
Nope, it COULDN'T be that because they ship DRUGS (heroin, coke, meth, etc) north that is the root of their problems, their problem isn't that poverty is the norm for 80% of the population, NO! It's the US that is to blame. The entire episode is an indictment of the 1st amendment, and US gun control laws!

What yellow journalism!!!! What ever happened to the journalists like Chet Huntley and David Brinkley? Barbara Walters, and the like? THEY reported facts, with out the political spin, they graduated school with a code of professional ethics not found in todays journalists.
News has become so biased and partisan I don't really watch it anymore. Nobody just reports the facts, and that's a fact, Jack, lol.


Well-Known Member
The press is ran by the Government, It's like how Calif. will give employers a discount on Workman's comp if they piss test their employees

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That's a result of the Big Pharm companies that lobbied for it. How better to sell more testing than make it a requirement?


Ursus marijanus
That's a result of the Big Pharm companies that lobbied for it. How better to sell more testing than make it a requirement?
I doubt Big Pharma has much to do with it. I worked for one of the biggest of the bigs, and there is zero anti-drug sentiment there. The Federal antipathy has nowt to do with pharma andor their lobbies, and all to do with the Anslinger legacy and the resultant Drug War industry. Imo. The company for which I worked had a major hand in RIA (radioimmunoassay) test kits for all manner of "substances of abuse", including a few scheduled substances that were a big part of that firm's bread and butter. All the folks in the industyr to whom I've spoken did not see medicinal cannabis as either unwelcome or a competitor for their patentable wares. Jmo ... cn

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It's not about anti-drug sentiment. It's all about the Benjamins. They created the expanded market, just like they are lobbying for the testing of all school kids. Look at the HPV vaccine. Now they wanna give it to boys as well. If they can "convince" (line the pockets of) a politician "it's for the prevention of cervical cancer" and get him/her to present and back a bill for it, they're guaranteed to sell more product.


Ursus marijanus
I agree that cervical cancer is a rather minor risk for boys. Even so, (if HPV means human papilloma virus ...) vaccinating boys makes sense to me because they are the ones who transmit it to the actual risk group.
How we got to here from yellow journalism about drugs/guns I'm not sure. What I am sure about is that when the munchies hit, I'll regret not having bought any candy that's "officially" for all (= 0) the kids at my door ... cn

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I agree that cervical cancer is a rather minor risk for boys. Even so, (if HPV means human papilloma virus ...) vaccinating boys makes sense to me because they are the ones who transmit it to the actual risk group.
How we got to here from yellow journalism about drugs/guns I'm not sure. What I am sure about is that when the munchies hit, I'll regret not having bought any candy that's "officially" for all (= 0) the kids at my door ... cn
Hey there, Cn!
It's OK, my thread. It's Halloween and anything goes. How you doing tonite? Sure wish I could Blaze one, but alasI got a PO meeting in a week. :(


Ursus marijanus
Hi, Jack!
(good thing I am not indulging in air travel at the moment ... ) ~grin~
I'm nursing a badly wrenched back and hiding whenever someone threatens to knock at the door of my most execrably sugar-bereft house.
I too would prefer to blaze one, but I have supply continuity issues, and my "grow" cannot decently be described with that word. My plants are behaving like the feet of Chinese noblewomen.
Sorry to hear about your PO situation. For how much longer, if it's a polite question ... ?


Well-Known Member
All tactics to disarm the public for when the million man 'civilian army' starts kicking your asses.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The possession case, 3 more. The growing case is still ongoing. I had possession w/intent in one state and growing in another (I live right on a state line)

Sorry to hear you're out. I hate that. Hope you have as good a Halloween as you can, anyway.