all these vape pens are confusing. almost all of them are ecig batteries with different style atomizers connected/screwed on.
it used to be only ecig accessories existed so people had to make "hash juice" which mimicked the ecig juice to work in those tanks/atomizers. This is why the veg. glycerin or p. glycol are mentioned.
nowadays they have attachments just for our kinds of vaping.
regarding anything atmos...they have their own kind of batteries with their own threading, so its all proprietary. except the atmos bullet/trippy stick, which is basically the same thing and fit 510 thread. the atmos raw is or was the top o the line deal, w/ceramic stuff everywhere to get best vape experience for dry herbs, and also everything else.
theres a variety of things that fit on the very well used "510" ecig threading on batteries. one example is the aforementioned atmos bullet/trippy stick, which work best for a couple puffs of dry herb because the heating coil is vertical and surround a ceramic pole wick, and has a spring thing to push ur herb against it.
next we have what are basically tank atomizers with the wick and coil placed in a ceramic cup surround by stainless steel mesh. these work great for oil, and can be found easily for 510 threading. I have gotten an unbranded one at the smoke shop and have gotten a "trippy stick xl" chamber version online, which is a little better quality than the one i got locally.
there is also the pheonix (xl) which is a rebuildable type of the tank atomizer meaning when u break the coil u can make or buy a new one, which is cheaper than buying a whole new thing. edit: oh doesnt have the atomizer inside a cup (unless u add one )
there seems to be a new atmoizer design or ecig battery brand every day and while a lot of them are just rebrands of the same thing with slight modifications some are very different in regards to volts produced, meaning that even if you can screw something together, it still may not work right because the power levels from the battery are not optimal for the atomizer.
happy vaping and exploring! im only a few months into this. i got a ccouple cheap ego batteries.