Vape Pens

If you want to spend $89 on a vape pen and use your own oil, great.
For me making oil is a pain. Butane oil is not as good co2 oil.

For me it is a convenience issue.
$40 for 2 cartridges and a free pen is great, no hassle.
Making butane oil is not something I like doing.

I can always get more money, but I can never get more time.

I do not know why i am pimping these things, the cartridges are sold out every time i call.

I take everything back, these things suck, do not buy them.
Just tried the "Cloud" vape pen. I think they're about $60 at the dispensary (I get a "country cousin" discount, so I don't know the real retail cost). Works very nice, gives a healthy kick. Like the Atmos I mentioned above, you can load your own shatter/bho into it, but it's smaller and simpler to use. My only gripe is they come apart a bit too easy, but for the value I'll happily find a little piece of tape or something if it becomes too bad.
I highly recommend making your own oil for cartridges you will save a grip not to mention you control the quality of product and strength of the mix. Stardust ce4 are the refillable carts you want as we'll as a variable voltage battery.

Nice avatar u you poof
Also why cant the pens vape BHO as is? What is the need to add glycerine? Colorado Rules!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got a new vaporizer pen to replace my broken g-pen. Great for vaping oil and wax, no glycerine or cartridges to buy. Just refill with oil/shatter/wax or other extract that burns clean and your off vapin ur bho/extract anywhere. super easy to fill. Just take off mouthpiece and drop piece of extract into chamber and your off vapin super discreet and affordable. Make your own extract or buy from club/wherever. Its called the ripper, gives you FAT hits. I like the vape pens for snowboarding/hiking/trips in the car where I can't have dome&nail or skillet ;-).if you already have a vaporizer pen the chamber off the Ripper fit onto most models out there in there only 20 each with Free Shipping. my friend in Pennsylvania ordered 1 and said no tax since hes outside California.I think it has the 510 threading. I ordered it off the website Free shipping and only took 2 days to come in the mail. :clap: got onsale 15% off with coupon code from their facebook :-P
I just bought a penvape for 8 bucks and the cartridge is refillable, they called it the high altitude version... got a purple diesel cartridge 250ml for 25 bucks
It has the glycerin inside...I would like to say that it is convenient, but all the different oils taste very similar to me and it really doesn't work to effectively for my needs, it comes on too slow and with a mild high...but it has a purpose,...
Another thing is that i have huge lungs and can draw on the pen for a long time, it will leak if it gets smoked too long, which i like to do to get as much in my system as quick as possible(bong user)....its ok but not great...I would like to try the pens that don't need added shit to my hash....
Yep, but i don't want the hassle.

If you are a heavy smoker, vape pens are not goingt o do much for you
My brother does not get to smoke much and loves his.

For me I use it when it is not convenient to smoke or to top off a buzz.

Vaporizing in general doesn't do much for me. I don't understand the "It gets you higher for longer" claims, I have found the opposite.

I smoke weed, always have, always will.
I just picked up a couple of the O.Pen Vape's. Great product. Blue Dream and Bubba Kush are what I have loaded at the moment. With 4 more cartridges ready to go.
The ego-t battery is 510 threaded on the a blue ecig fits in there cause it's 510........and 710 threaded on the outside...for 710 pens like the vaporcone elite...and the trippy stix............vaporcone elite chambers are supposed to do buds pretty well, we'll see in a week or so but I love my trippy stix for wax...although I should have just bought the ego-t like the OP did, same thing just cheaper.....learn from my mistake ppl!! lol

Hey Trousers, are you pretty sure the co2 extracts you get at the club aren't bho's labeled as co2?
Yep, but i don't want the hassle.

If you are a heavy smoker, vape pens are not goingt o do much for you

For me I use it when it is not convenient to smoke or to top off a buzz.

Vaporizing in general doesn't do much for me. I don't understand the "It gets you higher for longer" claims, I have found the opposite.

I smoke weed, always have, always will.

Dude get the LA confidential cartridge. I thought the same thing as you do until I got that one. Holy shit......
I found a decent pen for vaping straight wax budder, crumble, shatter, sap...any full melt concentrate.

The Executive pen (Vapors Corner)..actually made by joy-tech.

This pen is okay, you can also switch out the coil heating element for a traditional wick-atomizer and vape traditional carts.

A couple tips for this pen...if you're gonna use the coil element to vape your concentrate;
A) do not over-fill. This will lead to an undesirable taste.
B) remove the cart. The directions for the modified version state: Remove the fill cap from the cart to increase air flow.

So, I followed the instructions to a T. And it tasted like I removed the cart to inspect, turns out the coil element is way to close to the cart, and I was essentially smoking plastic.

Believe this, I called that dispensary..and kindly informed them, that their instructions lead to patients smoking plastic.

Ended up just removing the cart completely, and stretching a rubber mouthpiece (included in kit) over the cone housing.

Works perfect now...Nice for crumbles that won't stick to dabbers, and wax.

Damn, I was so pissed when I saw that melted plastic cart...haha.
Not sure if it is a 'knock off' of the ego pen or not, but looks almost the same.. not sure on thread count if you could just replace with a pre-filled cart. The pen is called vaporX and works great for nicotine. I will have to try oil in it LOL
all these vape pens are confusing. almost all of them are ecig batteries with different style atomizers connected/screwed on.

it used to be only ecig accessories existed so people had to make "hash juice" which mimicked the ecig juice to work in those tanks/atomizers. This is why the veg. glycerin or p. glycol are mentioned.

nowadays they have attachments just for our kinds of vaping.

regarding anything atmos...they have their own kind of batteries with their own threading, so its all proprietary. except the atmos bullet/trippy stick, which is basically the same thing and fit 510 thread. the atmos raw is or was the top o the line deal, w/ceramic stuff everywhere to get best vape experience for dry herbs, and also everything else.

theres a variety of things that fit on the very well used "510" ecig threading on batteries. one example is the aforementioned atmos bullet/trippy stick, which work best for a couple puffs of dry herb because the heating coil is vertical and surround a ceramic pole wick, and has a spring thing to push ur herb against it.

next we have what are basically tank atomizers with the wick and coil placed in a ceramic cup surround by stainless steel mesh. these work great for oil, and can be found easily for 510 threading. I have gotten an unbranded one at the smoke shop and have gotten a "trippy stick xl" chamber version online, which is a little better quality than the one i got locally.

there is also the pheonix (xl) which is a rebuildable type of the tank atomizer meaning when u break the coil u can make or buy a new one, which is cheaper than buying a whole new thing. edit: oh doesnt have the atomizer inside a cup (unless u add one )

there seems to be a new atmoizer design or ecig battery brand every day and while a lot of them are just rebrands of the same thing with slight modifications some are very different in regards to volts produced, meaning that even if you can screw something together, it still may not work right because the power levels from the battery are not optimal for the atomizer.

happy vaping and exploring! im only a few months into this. i got a ccouple cheap ego batteries.
Great post^

I would just like to as that the ohms have to be compatible also, or you could really fuck up your unit.

But, damn, these things are being re-invented everyday it seems, I bought mine about 4 months ago, and it was the newest hottest pen out...

Now, it's already ancient technology..

Damn it.haha
found a good deal on some batteries............

IDK if I trust the plastics on their clearo's for one of my juices but just ordered some batteries.....

ordered another ego-c twist 1100maH and a VV with the led charge indicator also @ 1100maH.....nothing like a persi but damn look at their prices straight from China w/o middle man charges.....I ordered last week and they are already in San Fran.
all these vape pens are confusing. almost all of them are ecig batteries with different style atomizers connected/screwed on.

it used to be only ecig accessories existed so people had to make "hash juice" which mimicked the ecig juice to work in those tanks/atomizers. This is why the veg. glycerin or p. glycol are mentioned.

nowadays they have attachments just for our kinds of vaping.

regarding anything atmos...they have their own kind of batteries with their own threading, so its all proprietary. except the atmos bullet/trippy stick, which is basically the same thing and fit 510 thread. the atmos raw is or was the top o the line deal, w/ceramic stuff everywhere to get best vape experience for dry herbs, and also everything else.

theres a variety of things that fit on the very well used "510" ecig threading on batteries. one example is the aforementioned atmos bullet/trippy stick, which work best for a couple puffs of dry herb because the heating coil is vertical and surround a ceramic pole wick, and has a spring thing to push ur herb against it.

next we have what are basically tank atomizers with the wick and coil placed in a ceramic cup surround by stainless steel mesh. these work great for oil, and can be found easily for 510 threading. I have gotten an unbranded one at the smoke shop and have gotten a "trippy stick xl" chamber version online, which is a little better quality than the one i got locally.

there is also the pheonix (xl) which is a rebuildable type of the tank atomizer meaning when u break the coil u can make or buy a new one, which is cheaper than buying a whole new thing. edit: oh doesnt have the atomizer inside a cup (unless u add one )

there seems to be a new atmoizer design or ecig battery brand every day and while a lot of them are just rebrands of the same thing with slight modifications some are very different in regards to volts produced, meaning that even if you can screw something together, it still may not work right because the power levels from the battery are not optimal for the atomizer.

happy vaping and exploring! im only a few months into this. i got a ccouple cheap ego batteries.

Gentleman's and others make an adapter to fit the Atmos stuff:

I grow and rarely go to dispensaries. Maybe for some edibles or some variety.
I got an ego-t pen a few weeks ago and love it.
I just got a different/new vape pen. They are free if you buy 2 cartridges. The 500mg cartridges are $30 at most places. I paid $20 for 250mg for my ego-t.


These things are like the ipod of pot. You can catch a quick few puffs any where. They don't leave a smell for long. The smell doesn't hang on you at all.
I was told charge can go over a month hitting it daily. My egot-t went over a month.

I just heard about the pen a few days ago and I go to clubs a lot... I need to stop and smell the roses and check out all the extras. The pen sounds awesome

i think u posted the wrong link? lol

i just ordered some igo-l rebuildable atomizer (& drip tip for it ) and ego-c type-b atomizer w/5 extra atomizer heads, coil wire, and wick material..all for 51 bucks shipped. i should be set for a lifetime, or until batteries go out. I should get a "pass thru" usb cable now that I think about month....

note: this kinda stuff is for ppl who like to fiddle with stuff. the prefilled carts are a much better choice for ppl with shaky hands or bad eyes...or just get the ego-c atomizer w/extra heads. also with those i will be removing this little metal piercing thing before use to expose the coil/ceramic cup.

ill also experiment with stainless steel wick, which will probably be best.