Problem with the vape is that you don't use up all your weed and end up with vape poo. However this vape poo can be used to make hash or to make cannabutter.
If you want to get everything out of your weed in 1 go you need to burn it either in a joint or a bong.
Also you have to replace the bags of a vaporiser every few weeks or they don't fill properly, (or you can clean them with alcohol)
Great thing about a vape is you can vaporise all your trim and it gets you as high as weed would because you just pack loads into the chamber and fill 1 bag.
Personally I smoke joints, occasionally bong and vape.
I get much more stoned with joints alone than with bongs alone or vapes alone (it's a different high I guess but I mean unable to move stoned.)
I'd only have my own vape if I had a load of money to burn the same goes for an expensive bong. If I had to choose between the 2 it would be a vape hands down (I don't think you need to have a 300+ bong for it to be awesome however you do need to spend lots on a vape for it to be awesome!)