Vaped weed


Active Member
Hey guys,

I bought a Da Buddha vaporizer about 3 months ago and have not smoked since. My question is, what do you guys do with your used vaped weed? I been throwing mine out, but I noticed some people save it. Is this something I should be doing? What can I use it for? Some people say they roll it and smoke it or bake with it, but how can that get you high? When I am finished all the resin glands are gone from what I can tell.


Well-Known Member
Baked weed still has cannabinoids, but mostly the ones that have more medicinal effects, like cbd. So If you smoke vaped weed, you can relief your pain, and also some people make bho oil with vaped weed.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. dont smoke the vaped weed like the other guy says, its grody and kinda defeats the object. vaping it leaves it decarbed which makes it perfect for brownies etc in larger amounts. or make cannaoil with smaller amounts