

Well-Known Member
Anybody using a vaporstar? I'm thinking of buying one, they look very efficient:joint: How are they?

Thanks much!!!


Well-Known Member
daaamn that looks interesting. never herd of it. Found a pretty cool video of a guy hitting one on youtube. looks efficient as hell. anyone hit one?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's pretty cheap too! All you need is some mini bong and your ready. COMON PEOPLE! There's 1000's of you on here;)


Well-Known Member
Like RIU dawgs.... don't be shiznating our inteligentses we need teh infos aboot the Vaporstar.
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Well-Known Member
looks pretty cool, whish i could go buy it at my headshop

now whos gonna be the first to buy? i just hate waiting for it to come

seems cool,

I have a plug in vape but never use it cuz its so annoying to use


Well-Known Member
here i found the info, im buying one:blsmoke:

The VaporStar is a total winner. I've used it now for 4 months and I can't find a single negative thing to say about it. Scorching is rare - the only times I do is because I can't accept the fact that there is no more left in the bowl, I just have to prove to myself there is one more micro hit. It has excellent control, I can always take it right to the brink of scorching - When I'm done bowls are beyond spent and rub in my fingers to a true powder, I credit that ability to the VaporStar heat exchanger. I'm learnig that a new bowl of herbs just may be a better way - but hey, I know you know what I mean. If I'm not "Vapeing on the Edge" I scorch 1 in 50 hits if I am I do it 1 in 15 hits. The VaporStar heating element uses 16 air inlet holes to disperse the heat evenly like a bunson burner on a gas stove the flame never reaches the herbs. It's a very effective design and the amount of time/heat appilied is all you worry about as it's virtully scortch proof in the first 6 hits of a bowl. Once the herb is dry it even lets you really extract the utmost last amount out of the herbs because you can apply instant longer/hotter heat to do that, at the bottom of a bowl I just double the time I have the flame heated into the the heat exchanger watch for vapors and that produces results in just 5 more seconds to really extrct any last vapors.

Final Conclusion - VaporStar's COST/FUN ratio is off the charts. It's the only way I smoke/vape and I like it so much I fully intend to buy me a substantal back up collection maybe 2-4 more, I'll be using these in 25 years.

Negatives: It's lighter based - This means NOTHING to me I could care less and won't push the finicky heath point that far. I like to - Hold my Bong - Flick my Bic - and Vape that Hit all on my couch like I've done with bongs my whole life.


I bought a vaporstar a couple of weeks ago, and id mostly agree with everything written in the original review, its excellent, and not just in effect, its also fun to use, somewhat addictively so. Unlike the OP I havent yet perfected it, although I get consistent lovely hits now, sometimes I do burn it a bit. Either that or end up not utilising the herbs fully.
Its quite possible im just inept though

Generally I have been using the vaporstar till mostly depleted, and putting the remains in the herbalaire for another bag. (Although if you burned it a bit, this goes horribly wrong and tastes like doom).

The learning curve is somewhat steep I find, who when they try it generally just get nothing whatsoever off it and go away thinking its rubbish, but then they are cheap enough for you to all buy one anyhow.. its still a bit annoying when you have guests.
On the plus side, id like to reiterate, this thing is excellent. Its tastier than the herbalaire. Plus, its really cheap and efficient, and seems very strong to me at least. One thing that may or may not be attractive to you is I find the vaporstar to be much more incriminating looking. My herbalaire stays forever on my desk with not a word, but I have to put away the bong. This is somewhat annoying, but it brought back fond memories for me, and I have only just become coherent enough to write this

Two things I would say if you are going to buy one, I bought it with a small bong, and also bought one of the borosilicate ones mentioned elsewhere in this thread. They are nice little bongs, but VERY small, and i have ended up using the bigger one more as it lets you see it fill with delicious vapours, making it much easier to get a nice hit. (The bigger one is only about 6.5 inches high, so not enormous). Also, a decent flame makes an enormous difference in the ease of use, I bought a metal refillable and the consistent size of flame is much nicer.

For the price, there isnt a lot to it, but its well worth it, and for the effect, its about £50 too cheap and wonderful.


Finally a second review.

Yea A larger flame will get things going faster, but a medium flame by nature lowers scorch mistakes, I go back and forth but I agree sometimes a bigger flame just gets it going and is more fun/less effort. small flames like when a lighter is running out of fuel are real tough to use.

The VaporStar can be hidden very fast as long as you keep you items collected in one place.

If your scorching more than you want lower the amount in the bowl, theres a point where you still get Vapors but its very hard to scorch. Learn the largest bowl you can get with out scorching and then stick with it. Every now and then I think I'm going to load a big bowl, then I scorch it and realize I had already known not to exceed a certain amount.(I always grind my legal herbs)

New people to vaping just can't learn it in one hit and it helps if they understand the concept of what their trying to do, trying to explain it to someone who's intoxicated can be a bit trying, but they usually do by just a few hits.

Truthfully the VaporStars only stealth plus is the fact that is can be hidden ultra fast, other than that it is beat by most electric units in regards to stealth. The reason why is if you are in a dark room or worse a vehicle theres noting more obvious than a lighter that stays lit for 10 seconds. Even if someone sees the flame light(even off walls) through a window it's obvious your getting intoxicated. If you had say a Vapolution in a car Swims enemy's would have no idea what swim was doing, but if swim used a lighter for 10 seconds at a time every minute over the course of 10 minutes well seeing that would be obvious. So the VaporStars stealth lies at home with a predetermine spot to take it if needed, it then can be fully hid in 5 seconds with proper planing(something nothing else can match but with proper planing even electric units can be put away fast), outside of that its not stealthy at all and even gives the appearance of something worst than tobacco because most people don't know about lighter based vaporizers so they think HMMM...what can they be doing that requires a lighter to be lit for ten seconds at a time. Home with lights on is the only place I use my legal herbs. Thats another plus about electric you can use them in the dark. and don't have to look at your hits.

For the money the VaporStar should be in everyones collection, surly theres got to be a time when you don't have the 10 minutes to wait for and electric to fully heat up. Theres your VaporStar ready to deliver 6 fast hits in under 3 minutes before you head out the door.

The J still holds all of the aces other than the smoke factor, The rolled J is the fastest of all to use, when its gone there is no paraphernalia left. From a distance you could be smoking a Marlboro. Everyone knows how to use a J.

The point is one doesn't cancel the other, The VaporStar Rocks, I knew when I saw it and confirmed it when I bought it. It's not perfect but its worth every penny and more.


Well-Known Member
Will I need to use more tobacco?

No. When plants are smoked almost eighty percent of the active ingredients are burnt away before reaching the lungs. Using the VP for this method of vaporization is over ninety percent effective, therefore using less tobacco.

Will I be inhaling butane?

No, the butane is already burnt before it reaches the VP if you are using it correctly. The only residue from burning butane is water and carbon dioxide

I seem to be getting smoke through the pipe, is this right?

Nope, could be a few reasons for this. Try turning the bowl after each inhalation or your herb is old and dry, or the flame is too large, or too close, or inhaled for far too long. Small flame? Inhale slowly, large flame? Inhale firm and fast.

Do I need water in my glass pipe?

The vapour doesn’t need filtering so there’s no need for water, however if there is any debris i.e. over-ground herb, charred particles etc, sucked through the steel filter, then sweat ye not as all this stuff sticks to the glass in the pipe chamber. If you wish to receive more flavour, fill the glass pipe to the bottom of the pipe with hot (not boiling) water to warm the glass up, and then empty the water out before use. If the glass is warm, it stops the vapours condensing and sticking on the inside of the pipe.

Is heating the steel star safe?

Yes, at this low temperature steel is quite inert. Before being sent to you, the VP is heated to a high temperature to burn off any dust or manufacturing residues. This is why the VP has a hint of gold colour to the tip.

WARNING: THE VAPORSTAR BECOMES EXTREMELY HOT WHEN USED CORRECTLY. ALWAYS USE THE TWEEZERS PROVIDED WHEN HANDLING THE VAPORSTAR!!!1.Fill the bowl with your choice of smoking product*; don’t overfill the bowl (as this will impair performance.
2. Slide the VP into the wooden bowl with one of the three visible lines pointing towards you.
3. Put your thumb over the hole on the rear of the glass tube and raise that pipe to your mouth, ignite and hover the flame of your lighter 1cm from the top of the VP tube.
4. Inhale gently, the flame should steadily dip into the VP. When the correct amount of pull is achieved, a quiet whistling can be heard. Expect to inhale for five or six seconds the first time round when the VP is cold, and one to three seconds if the VP is already warm.
5. Continue to draw the flame through the VP until vapour begins to fill the chamber.When this happens, extinguish your lighter whilst continuing to inhale until all the vapour has cleared...
6. When the chamber is clear of vapour, drop your thumb from the hole in the back of the pipe and increase suction to help to blast the vapour to its final destination.
7.Using opposing digits twist the wooden bowl one third of a revolution, and then repeat from step 3 twice more.
8.Using the tweezers remove the VP from the bowl and tap out the dried plant into your hand. You may need to wriggle it a little to break the seal.

9. Rub the dried plant into a rough powder and then scoop it back into the bowl.

10. Repeat steps 3 to 7, then remove the VP from the bowl and agitate the remaining powder with the tweezers tool.
Repeat steps 3-6 one last time.

*Not all smoking products available have been tested.


Well-Known Member
ok just purchased it from

will let you know how it goes:mrgreen:

thanks for the info, it will be here just in time for my b-day:mrgreen:


Active Member
This sounds very interesting I was just telling my husband that I wanted a vaporizer for my birthday, I was thinking a volcano just because that is what was recommended. But I am unsure, they are so pricey.


Well-Known Member
This sounds very interesting I was just telling my husband that I wanted a vaporizer for my birthday, I was thinking a volcano just because that is what was recommended. But I am unsure, they are so pricey.

i know they are really pricey, u can get the other style fro like $80 on ebay, they work also just annoying to plug it in and shit and let it heat up i never use mine

Digital Vaporizer Herbal Vaporizer +Free Herb Grinder B - eBay (item 150263745886 end time Jun-28-08 19:32:32 PDT)


Active Member
Well we ended up going with something we found at our local shop, a VaporBuddy for my bong. Hubby jumped the gun and bought it for me know but my birthday is a ways off so I should be able to get something else :eyesmoke:too. Anyway this little VaporBuddy works like the Vaporstar I think. This think is very picky on how you hit it but once you get it down it is not to bad. I have been using it for a about a week now and I have not even gone through 1/2 my normal amount of smoke. It is getting me very high and for less $$ and I can still use my favorite bong. bongsmilie
Only complaint is it gets HOT and you have to unscrew it to stir or reload. Other than that I am happy and would recommend the VaporBuddy.

:leaf: Thanks Pandabear for your advice on checking out ebay I did look at them.