Vaproizing Buds; from start to finish-my


Well-Known Member
This is vaporizing, my way...


This is 2.1g of freshly cut Lowryder#2 bud, about 10 days before ripeness.

My 'Hotbox' vaporizer, no forced air, no temp control...painted ceramic exterior, glossy black.

Things you may need(or things I needed to make this post, lol):

pic1; everything! pic2; scale, tins, grinders, tray. pic3; tools, pokers, scrapers, paddle, stiff card, scissors, tweezers. pic4; herbs/accessories.
pic5; closeup. pic6; an essential herb, my fave...

As this weed is fresh, I'll have to dry it first. using a vaporizer is far superior to a microwave or oven, or whatever else you can think of...because, when using a vaporizer, all 'vapors' are inhaled while drying. not so in a 'mic' or oven...the vapors just evaporate into the air. I'm actually 'gettin high' while quick drying this weed. take a look...

The Weed: Lowryder#2, @8wks old, 1 wk before harvest. total processing weight, 2.1g

pic1and2; as nature intended... pic3; as I need it, 1st trim... pic4; final trim, all leaves n stem are gone! I didn't weight it, but it's far less than before...maybe around a gram, total. I'm only gonna vape the small bud, on the left. about 1/4 of total. pic5; in the 'vapor wand', on a bed of pre-vaped 'blend'(nearly depleted material to insulate the fresh bud from the hot screen, some, lol). pic6; 'drying', @1/4g weed.

I like to create a 'blend' to make the 'smoke' more interesting, with more variety. I add herbs/spices to punch it up!


starting at the 12 o'clock position,clockwise, a tin of tobacco, a tea screen and pestle. my herb container, like your grandpa uses for his daily pills, lol. from right to left, thyme(leaf), tobacco chopped fine, salvia(not for vaping), oregeno(leaf/bud), lemon grass(leaf), rosemary(leaf/needles), mint(leaf/bud/flower), and a big tin of already vaped 'blend'(weed n herbs, various).



Well-Known Member
Processing the Herbs(or Spices):

I use a tray, right, scissors(for the tobacco, this time), left, a tea screen/strainer and pestle(for the oregano, this time). Just cut up the tobacco, fine, but not too fine. you'll not appreciate tiny pieces of anything flying into your mouth if it passes through the vaporizer screen...of which I use two, personally. I doubt many ppl do, but it catches lots of tiny particles, rich in crystals. and put the oregano in the strainer, grind it lightly with the pestle. (this technique is fine for most herbs)

It'll look something like this afterward:

Then the 'weed':
I just use a grinder, chop it just a bit, at this time.
When I'm ready to begin blending, the tray will look like this:

from the left; Oregano, Tobacco, 'slag' (previously vaped material), LR2 bud, various petioles. More 'slag' will be added later, but it's purely optional. petioles are the slim stem between the leaf and the main stem/branch stem. as far as parts of the plant go, petioles are number 2 in THC content, thc to plant fibre ratio. buds are, of course, number 1!



Well-Known Member
This is how much it weighs after drying. the scale is new, pretty good, a 'stealth' CD scale, lol
it measures in 0.1g increments, up to 500g. now, this weed, I'll be 'tokin up' for the next 8-12 hrs weighs less than 0.1g!!:blsmoke: And...

pic2; after grinding, dry, with 4 other ingredients plus the other 3/4 trimmed, but not dried. pic3; the portion I'll use of each, except the 'slag', which I'll add after filling the 'vapor wand', just to create a better draw...slowing it, making it hotter. pic4&5; I'll end up with 3 separate piles after vaping, grinding, vaping, adding more slag, grinding, sifting, vaping, etc...takes me about 30min...if not creating a new thread, lol.(I like to draw it out, you could just toss a pinch o herbs n bud into your grinder, then vape it up in less than 5 min.) All sifted 'powder' goes into one's crystals, resin powder and tiny fibre particles, I call this a type of 'kief'...good for smokin in a pipe, making honey oil or putting into a 'hash' press. pic6; All elements layed's not nearly so complicated as it sounds, and could be shortened to 'Pick it, Stuff it, Vape it!':bigjoint:

Oh, you may have noticed, I didn't even use all the bud I dried, only about half of it. So, I'm gonna get high, for about 8-12 hours on bud that had a total dry weight less than 0.1g!!!

...and I still have the other 3/4g(wet weight) to play with tonight or tomorrow, LOL.;-)


Well-Known Member
if ya'll want a better pic of anything or don't understand how or why, just ask...Enjoy your vaping!


Active Member
Thats really cool man... I've never personally used a vap, but I've been wanting to>< adding all those aeromatic herbs probably add a really nice taste to the bud...

Keep on tokin'


Active Member
uhm weird. no thanks lol why smoke vaporized weed. the point is to vaporize the bud which by doing so u vape the trichomes, the damn thc. and ill stick to just nice dryed/cured bud for my vape the herbs and spices are very weird to me..but do what u do man!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thats really cool man... I've never personally used a vap, but I've been wanting to>< adding all those aeromatic herbs probably add a really nice taste to the bud...

Keep on tokin'
oh yeah, you should try vaporizing sometime...several times, cuz some ppl just don't get it the first few times. it certainly keeps it interesting

That is really awesome, onenumcat! I really gotta try one of those out!
yeah growinman, you gotta try a vaporizer. you'll love it if you love a sativa high.
uhm weird. no thanks lol why smoke vaporized weed. the point is to vaporize the bud which by doing so u vape the trichomes, the damn thc. and ill stick to just nice dryed/cured bud for my vape the herbs and spices are very weird to me..but do what u do man!bongsmilie
ok, thanks for your's only a suggestion ya know. don't think anyone suggested smoking pre-vaped weed, but you certainly can. lots o ppl roll blunts with it. I smoke it when there is nothing else around. but the 'dust' from grinding, vaping, whatnot...cannot be vaped just falls through the screen or clogs it up, so you can't draw. that stuff should be used differently...I usually smoke it as a 'topping' on weed in a pipe.

i think the herbs are a good idea im gonna try some....
start off light, florida. if the herbs smell strong or are 'oily' then the 'flavor' is gonna be strong too, use less. try'll like it...but it will make you cough...go easy.
