Variety of Singles from Pick & Mix at Attitude- Pics

Good thread!

Here is a Querkle that is about to get the chop. I've had some smoke and the flavor is great. We also couldn't put a name to the taste. Incense was the main word that kept popping up, but nobody could articulate the flavor well. Subcool lists the strain as an 8 week finisher, but this girl is around week 10. My others will probably go that long as well.
Good thread!

Here is a Querkle that is about to get the chop. I've had some smoke and the flavor is great. We also couldn't put a name to the taste. Incense was the main word that kept popping up, but nobody could articulate the flavor well. Subcool lists the strain as an 8 week finisher, but this girl is around week 10. My others will probably go that long as well.
That strain is looking really nice...
Good thread!

Here is a Querkle that is about to get the chop. I've had some smoke and the flavor is great. We also couldn't put a name to the taste. Incense was the main word that kept popping up, but nobody could articulate the flavor well. Subcool lists the strain as an 8 week finisher, but this girl is around week 10. My others will probably go that long as well.
Nice!! Looks a lot like mine, sounds like a similar flavor, too. I had to chop at a bit over 8 wks, but should have gone 9 or 10. Hopefully I can leave the clone in for that long. My weight wasn't too much, although it's billed as a light producer by Subcool so I'm not disappointed or surprised. It's good weed, but I'll keep looking for a bigger yielder cuz I don't have room to spare.
I think I'll do each plant in a different post, otherwise I'll get confused.
This is Querkle at day 59 when I chopped,. Could have used more time, maybe 7-10.


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At day 31 of flower, out of 63. Nice plant. I thought I had a full-length shot, but I guess not. Covered in trichs already, and smells like passion flower. Looks like a good yield, too.


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Day 40 of 56. Very citrus in smell, covered with buds. Glad I tried this one!


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Day 29 of 50. Sucker REALLY puts on a s-t-r-e-t-c-h. That's a 36" stick, went in at around 12". Should be a good yield from size alone.


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Has gone from caramel to citrus/dank in smell, very sticky. Had some problems early, but the plant toughed it out and has a lot of appealing qualities. I have some clones from this that got a better start . (pics of one coming up)


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In veg for 54 days from cut (45 from root). Has been in 12/12 for 10 days. I just removed the weight I had hanging from the main stem as LST during veg.


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There are two pics of each, but they didn't upload together. In the order they appear:
Cream Caramel (day 5)
Pineapple Express (day 15)
Strawberry Kush (day 19)
P. Exp.
Str. Kush
Cr. Car.


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EVA Seeds Missing Feminized

This one is a pleasant surprise so far, although it doesn't clone well for me. (I don't do well with clones, anyway.)

Here's a tip for cloneing,

I have 99.9% success rate with this,

First, I use 1 1/2inch rockwool cubes , I dunk the cubes in my veg resivoir. Then I pull a clone off, diagonal cut just below a node, then insert in to rockwool, nothing else needed for them...

Here's the main part....

I use standard trays with humidity domes, I put Hydroton or another soiless mix like coco-fiber to cover the bottom of it... I Put water from my veg res.. Being sure to just fill the tray a little bit, not enough to cover the mix or have the clones sitting in water (about 2-3cups), put the clones right on top of the hydroton/coco-fiber... they will constantly get enough water for as long as needed though capilary action... keep the cover closed to keep it humid.. make sure that they are never sitting in water, the rockwool will suck up all it needs, Be sure to spray them down once a day for the first couple days, misting them down with plain water is essential due to them not haveing any other way to absorb water before they have roots...

I figured this way out when wasnt around to water them every day in the trays by themselves, if they are sitting in water they are prone to molding, so this keeps them out of water, but constantly moist...

after 7-15 days depending on strain/temps you should have a well rooted clone without any hassle or headaches...
Moisture is the main problem- either too much or not enough- when I clone. This method sounds good for controlling that.
that's exactly the problems I had before using it, either I'd not put enough water in and it would evaporate, or I'd put too much in and soak the plants to death...LOL

hope it helps you... it's actually the fastest and easyiest method I've used, even the ez-cloners don't work as well for me...
oh... I use full strength nutes in my veg res, but I've tryied it with plain water, minimum amount of nutes, and veg, and all ways turned out the same... so I'm too lazy to make a batch of water for them, I just take it from my res....LOL

oh, and I don't use cloneing jel or anything like that, they are basically a mold preventer, but they end up makeing my clones take longer to root, I've tested about 3 brands of jel/powder, and they all seem to do it... and I've never seen them "prevent mold"
Has gone from caramel to citrus/dank in smell, very sticky. Had some problems early, but the plant toughed it out and has a lot of appealing qualities. I have some clones from this that got a better start . (pics of one coming up)

the cream caramel looks good...

I have the sweet seeds freebies waiting for a trial run... Big Bud, Fast Bud, Green Poison...

I started the Green Poison a week ago... and it was a fast rooter, within 36 hours it was ready from a wet papertowl in a sealed baggie sitting on my t5 fixture (for heat) to go into a 1 1/2" rockwool cube in a 6" pot with hydroton on my veg table, then 2 more days before I saw a 2" sprout.... I don't put my stuff grown from seeds into the cloner, as it seems to not like as much humidity... they're good right away...