Various Extractions


Well-Known Member
Why must you all feel the need to be breaking rules acting as "freedom fighters" or something along those lines. I mean two people got banned and everyone just loses their minds making more threads to get taken down and banned? Just let it be a lesson to you, follow the simple rules and continue on with other questions about "hallucinatory substances" that don't involve extractions. An before this little incidence was brought up people seemed to be really good at not posting extraction methods and everything seemed just fine... that's just imo, though.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
An how do you expect these people to get the DMT, DXM, Mescaline, LSA, and Salvinorin A? DXM you have to kill your liver, LSA you have to kill your stomach and the various other parts. Smoking anything is bad for you but Salvia is mostly exempt from these precedings. The point of conflict must be resolved.


Well-Known Member
An how do you expect these people to get the DMT, DXM, Mescaline, LSA, and Salvinorin A? DXM you have to kill your liver, LSA you have to kill your stomach and the various other parts. Smoking anything is bad for you but Salvia is mostly exempt from these precedings. The point of conflict must be resolved. . You can substitute that with all the substances you listed and still find a great extraction method for each one at different sites other than this one :).

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Love that site. I doubt that somebody who's been here would want to sign up on Drug-Forums to ask their extraction questions. You know that rule is bullshit.


Well-Known Member
We know, but forceing our side of things without convinceing the other side, would make us as bad as them...


King Tut
IMHO, since I have yet to throw my 2 cents into the extraction/ban discussion, I believe that RIU is simply trying to make sure that they do not get in trouble and attract negative publicity or get shut down. Would I like to discuss extraction? Yes. Am I willing to give up the plethora of good people and info that CAN be found here? No.
I guess I kind of try to put myself in their shoes. If a person wants to walk by and pick an orange off my tree in the yard, by all means, do it. Don't strip it please. Don't damage it please. Don't leave a mess in the yard please. And, don't take advantage of my hospitality. No please in that rule. If this person follows these simple, common-sense rules they are more than welcome on my property. If they don't, well, bye-bye!

I'm not trying to inject anything into this discussion other than my opinion(since it seems a lot of people have). While I would like certain topics to be open for discussion, I will follow the Terms of Use I agreed to when signing up. There are other resources for other topics, but RIU is the best CANNABIS site on the net.
I need some help extracting DXM . Last time i did it I used Lemon Agent Method found on I screwed up I'm not sure if its because I bought the Delsym containing dextromethorphan polistirex which is time release not sure if that would make a difference or when i cooked the lemon and dxm containing mixture instead of using a pot and stirring it I used a plate and let it sheer to the bottom and cook. Anyways the outcome of my dxm was gooey and still smelled like lighter fluid...I didnt take it of obviously but im not sure where i went wrong. I need someone to come I have safety goggles.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Polisterex is a very interesting process! They're thinking of using something similar is a Pancreas Islet transplant process that could cure Diabetes!


King Tut
It's also the best Hallucinatory Substance forum on the web. :D Or was. I guess.
I hear you CK. I'm interested in all natural extractions and the history of their use by civilizations throughout history. I'm a pretty new member here @ RIU. I found it while doing research for my first grow and I guess just assumed(yes, I made an ass out of at least me) that with a name like RIU it was for cannabis, but then browsed the forums and found much more. Idk what the exact reasoning for the change in policy was, but I'm sure that if it was the best Hallucinatory Substance forum they wouldn't have changed the rules(or enforced them) without good reason.


Well-Known Member
The reason I choose to frequent cannabis site that has a hallucigen section, is because it reflects my use of substance also, I am a cannabis smoker, who also does entheogens occasionaly for self development and getting closer to what I perceive as the creator, to loose the feeling of seperateness and disconnectedness with everyone else, etc.

The full on entheogenic sites tend to be full of people full of hot air, with a few exceptions (the people, not the sites). Even within these kinds of sites, like one I am a member of, there are stupid fights like a rift between christians, pagans and atheists. And as much as I talk to plants and animals I realy don't feel like listeing to some hippy waxing about how he solves some problems with a crystal, yeah dude I can fix em too, by praying.

Here we seem"ed" to have a good thing going, lots of harm reduction through safe instruction in topics that people were researching any way, like extractions, dosages, aproaches to unknown/untrusted substances or sources.

I hope in the long term, good sense will triumph.