The reason I choose to frequent cannabis site that has a hallucigen section, is because it reflects my use of substance also, I am a cannabis smoker, who also does entheogens occasionaly for self development and getting closer to what I perceive as the creator, to loose the feeling of seperateness and disconnectedness with everyone else, etc.
The full on entheogenic sites tend to be full of people full of hot air, with a few exceptions (the people, not the sites). Even within these kinds of sites, like one I am a member of, there are stupid fights like a rift between christians, pagans and atheists. And as much as I talk to plants and animals I realy don't feel like listeing to some hippy waxing about how he solves some problems with a crystal, yeah dude I can fix em too, by praying.
Here we seem"ed" to have a good thing going, lots of harm reduction through safe instruction in topics that people were researching any way, like extractions, dosages, aproaches to unknown/untrusted substances or sources.
I hope in the long term, good sense will triumph.