ok im silly because i said I would leave it and now im not

we agree on that
id say it has to do with your ego, not mine
shown by your need to dog on my calculator which might be the best tool a hydro gardener could possibly have
whats wrong you intimidated because you don't understand it
and your defense of your using a nutrient line that is ridiculously high in calcium which works against you and youd rather argue that you don't have def as if that makes it a good ratio
so basically you don't want to admit that theres a better way than what your doing
the fact is a portion of your EC is useless and in excess and has the potential to lock out other nutes..like magnesium
and increase your precipitates
so your response is to add more magnesium only again rasing your EC, with unnecessary EC rise from the added sulfur and the high amount of magnesium it requires to offset the calcium
so now your flushing your plants every week to get the excess salt out of the medium...or your not and your medium is super salty
all that work and yes you might have good looking grows
but had you simply lowered your calcium you wouldn't be adding nutes at EC 1.8
thanks for pointing out to me how an RO works but its really irrelevant if you use RO water or city water or well water active elemental ppm is just that,
theres either enough there or there isn't regardless of your water source and whats may or may not be in it
I run my EC 1.0 to 1.2max
my run off stays fractionally lower from start to finish
I never need to flush and my medium never gets salt build up
if I jacked up my calcium and then jacked up my magnesium and as a resut sulfur will go way up from all tha magnesium sulfate
then since im now using more calcium nitrate to get the calcium so high I now have to use less potassium nitrate or the N would be too high
so I have to use more potassium sulfate which again adds more sulfur
the elements come in pairs... you cant add magnesium without also adding sulfur or nitrogen using either magnesium SULFATE or magnesium NITRATE.
jack up your calcium now your magnesium is restricted, jack up the magnesium so your plants no longer show magnesium def but now you've added all that sulfur
o gee high sulfur, high calcium
what things cause salt un-leachable precipitates in the medium, do you know?
calcium, sulfur, and phosphorus
for that reason alone one should try and avoid excesss of any of the 3 ... this is the exact reason advanced nutes and many others began suggesting a lower P during bloom (aka the phosphorus myth)
it is also the exact reason almost every liquid nute company out there is lacking in calcium and magnesium in the basic line up.... because they know it depend on your source water....
for example if your source water is hard and has calcium already then they understand you don't need the added calcium in your nutes profile
but on the other hand if you have soft water and little to no calcium in the source water (or using RO) then you would need the extra calcium and this is why they choose to separate it into its own bottle to be dose according to your needs based on the source water
yes every environment and every plant strain may have different needs but those differences in most cases are marginal and not extreme like in the case of your 10% calcium
I might need 70ppm calcium for my plants to be happy... you might need 80ppm an that's likely from the source water or maybe strain or enviroment
but to say my set up needs 70ppm and yours needs 150ppm is crazy