veg box... could use input.....


Well-Known Member
i decided to start growing inside i have grown outside for awile but you guys inspired me lol...
I took the dudes rummermaid idea pretty much but used 5 gallon square buckets hinged em together so i could get it put in 3 of the large energy saver floro's and installed a exaust fan that i took out of an old space heater...
The box is about 3 feet tall by say 2 feet wide
my questions are??
1.Will 3 lights be enough light for one plant??

2.My box according to the digiatal thermoter i put in it is 78.5 degrees is that and acceptable temp?

3. Is it possible to go throu the whole grow only using this box (i'm assuming i'm gonna need a larger box for flowering) but it would be sweet to be able to use this to grow 1 plant to occupy some of my free time lol

I know the 400 hps is the way to grow indoors but i can't afford it
P dot s
I can take pictures and what not if it will help


Well-Known Member
alright dude check this out because i have done exactly what u r doing.3 x 2 foot box u need at least 18,000 lumens for a decent grow. those large 42w cfls r kool but your only going to be putting out about 6000 lumens with them so you need at least 9. with 9 of those u will be at a total of 378 watts. or u could go to home depot and get 5-50 watt hps outdoor lights (4000 lumens a piece and save urself about 128 watts. The problem with this is that they both get hot. I grew in a 3x2 with 9 compact flouros and got a great grow but i had to pipe air into it continuously to keep the heat down. It will get to over 90 degrees in there if you dont. you want to be at 78 or under optimally in temp. also you will never get the size of buds you want from cfls. the smoke will be good if u got good genetics from the plants but the buds will be average or less.