veg plant died dried out from the stem


Active Member
hey was curious had a older veg plant month old pretty big bushy died on me.
had it in coco hempy with perlite after major pruning it wilted and dried out from the stem up you think its virus related or overwatering >? there was some damage on the stem like fiber when i pulled off some branches for pruning.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but that's gotta be a ph issue where the plant wasn't able to uptake nutrients and completely shut down. Either that or water, light or oxygen. Those are the things plants need to not die. Guesstimate of a novice.


Active Member
It was lush green before the trim maybe little low on nitrogen was yellowing never had a ph issue make a plant die dry In 5 days


Active Member
Also used string wire to tie the base of the stem looks like might did damage to the stem never happened before
Yeah like 30 35 percent