Veg plants getting too big


Well-Known Member
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. But My veg box isnt big enough for them to get much bigger.

I run two boxes.

A flower box and a veg box. I keep 4 plants at a time. 2 in flower and 2 in veg.

As my flowering plants are done, I cut clones from the veg plants, and then move the veg plants over to the flower box and stick the new clones in the veg box.

Still with me?

Anyways....the clones that are vegging right now, have decided to become monsters and they are growing up into the lights. I can't raise the lights anymore and I am scared they will be scorched. Can I keep em short somehow?

Or do I just need to get a bigger box?

They still have to veg for 5 more weeks!

1. I grow in soil (magic soil that has wonderful stuff in it)

2. I veg under 500 watts of CFLs. I flower under HPS.

3. My veg plants don't get much but ph balanced water and nuts as needed (if they look hungry).

The only difference for this grow, is I decided to move them to the bigger pots as babies so i didnt have to transplant them to flower. I think this is the culprit.

Illegal Smile

Unless I misunderstand something you definitely need more vertical space since you say they are already into the lights. You don't "have" to veg them 5 weeks either. Are they bushy or tall and stretched?


Well-Known Member
bushy. I kinda do have too. I cut them as clone before hte plants go in to flower. I don't like seeds. I don't have the room to flower them all at one. It is a veritcal space issue.

I'm gonna have my husband build a bigger box.


Well-Known Member
Check out Uncle ben's topping technique, in the advance growing thread.

Two to four main colas, does not hurt the plant. Proffessional growers, ie... nursery growers use this technique all the time to produce more fruit, works really well on marijuana plants, no stress to the plant, new growth in 24 to 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Clones don't need 5 weeks of veg, you should switch to flower after 2 to 3 weeks, especially in your smaller grow box because you will get a growth explosion when you switch to flower.