veg room irrigation

dr easer

Active Member
whatup gathering! first timer so be gentle. just trying to be on the up n' up. so refering to the mr green series, his veg room uses "drip emitters." the lowes/home depot round here has slim pickins when it comes to these. the employee said they recently downstocked those items. any time i search drip emitters i either find and entire hydro system for hundreds of dollars, or i'll come across professionial irrigation tools. there is a hydropon store just outside of town, but i would hate to make a trip there only to find that they only stock professional hydro kits.

so i suppose my real question there another term used for the veg room spike/dripper system mr green uses, and where/how much do those run?

dr easer

Active Member
yes i have....they sells hydro kits or pumps/connectors/purifiers etc. i need the spikes that attach to the mothers/clone baby's. i'm compiling what mr. green compiled and the word he uses is "dripper nozzle" and upon google search i come up with plumbing solutions.


Active Member
Almost all hydro stores stores should sell tubing and emitters and other system components or they should be able to order any parts you need. However your store may not but it doesnt hurt to check. Give 'em a call or see if they have a website. O and dont worry your lingo is correct. Good luck

dr easer

Active Member
Almost all hydro stores stores should sell tubing and emitters and other system components or they should be able to order any parts you need. However your store may not but it doesnt hurt to check. Give 'em a call or see if they have a website. O and dont worry your lingo is correct. Good luck
thanx! i'll give it a shot. someone said that hydro stores prob make more money off of diy setup components. which would be more of an incentive to stock those items. rod is that true and/or make sense to you?


Active Member
you can find those in lowes or home depot. look in the sprinkler and irrigation section(close to the gardening and plumbing usually).


Active Member
Maybe but the parts are fairly cheap if you ask me, but it could be true. Yeah i already knew wat you were talkin about ive watched the video many times. Too bad mr. green could have gotten a much bigger yield with that setup, but it was only for demonstration purposes. That splitter in the video is ok but it limits the amount of plants you can have and your probably better off making your own manifold anyways.