Veg Stage

i have one plant in the veg stage of growth and was wondering if it is common to have the leaves at the top to curl under and it was transplanted from out side to indoors and is maybe a foot tall

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i have one plant in the veg stage of growth and was wondering if it is common to have the leaves at the top to curl under and it was transplanted from out side to indoors and is maybe a foot tall
it could be couple things....not enough light...or nutrient for the sex need to wait till it starts to flower....some plants will show pre-flowers as it matures but otherwise u need to switch ur lights to the 12/12 cycle
i have some in the same planter that i am going to plant outside will it hurt them to move them while there young there maybe six or seven inches
ok an the one thats in the veg stage there have been four leaves turn yellow and fall off and i was told there water leave is that common or was it caused by shock

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
sounds like they have nutrient problems....if u post some pics someone can probably tell u wich one....and yes u want to space them out when u plant them
how far should they be and if i had a away to post pics i would but the best way i can descirb it is the leaves at the top have bent down and kinds lick a U shape and looks like some one took a pencil and folded the leaves over it
it was give to me and the leaves have curled down like some one took a pencil and and did it but i a thinking it is a nut problem and its in the veg stage now


Well-Known Member
you will have to switch the lights to 12 on and 12 off for the plant to flower, if your still in veg 18/6 light then it will never flower( unless its an auto)