Veg time for plants once in 7gal containers (#10 N.P)


Active Member
Hi I just now got my Vortex and Agent Orange in 1gal pots in roots organic, now I like a good long veg time like... 2months. So do you realy plan it out as 1gal of soil per week of veg.... That would be about a two month veg with Subs 7gal method.

Is this true?

Also if you know how much SS those two strains like please tell me (I.E. 1/4full, 1/3...1/2full)

Thank you everyone couldnt do this with out ya!


Active Member
word, ill use the top to clone for sex, but then how long do i veg for in the 7gal pot before i switch them to 12/12, i dont want the nitrogen to run out too soon but i also want the perfect nitrogen fade by harvest time?


Active Member
Sub pulls every 60 days... 60 day's veg.. 60 day's flower (give or take). And make sure whatever you do.. or what size ur containers are.. give two or more weeks between transplant and Flower


Active Member
My Vortex are about 3 weeks from harvest and I definitely did not veg long enough. There was this thread here last December something about "When will my Vortex ever stop stretching" or something. So I made a bad decision and flipped them to 12/12 at about 12" tall after a month in 1 gallon pots. I'm looking forward to some primo Vortex but my mistake will cost me in terms of yield.


Active Member
Thank you everyone!

glShemp you should try out some Bushmaster, let your plants stretch for a week to make some room for nugs and space out your nodes a lil better then simply give them some Bushmaster. They stop waisting energy going up, and start spending it on producing nugs. I am not sure 100% if it will work in SS or if it will fry you plant... im going to try it this run coming up on one plant, i dont see why it would fry them it is just a plant hormone and sea kelp extract.

BTW if you watch weednerd all of this was addressed in episode 32 i believe


Well-Known Member
Really do some research before adding bushmaster to plants with SS just because everything I've read about any of their products recommends that you cut the dose of nutrients way down and thats not happening in SS. I have the entire HCO product line sitting in my box of nutes that I no longer use with all the HCO bottles unopened. I kept reading shit that cali. no longer allows it on the shelves because it causes some form of anal ventriloquism or something, LOL...... It all sounded awesome when I first read about them, gravity....makes your buds denser.....purple maxx will bring out the color in your strains if it has a genetic predisposition for that....SSU packs on the trichs and bushmaster will stop vertical growth and cut down your flower time because it cuts out the time that the plant needs to stretch, usually the first 2 weeks as we all know, but none of it is natural and definitely not organic. The other thing that anyone and everyone told me (especially a dude that taught me quite a few things via the forums named maddfarmer, he loved that shit) make sure you get lots of water through your plants before harvesting if you use any of their products, that alone was enough for me to put them in the junk box and leave them there. The results are undeniable but I'd rather try to get there somewhat naturally, SS and some serious bondage and training is all you need.

But in all my readings of all different forums about bushmaster, I've never read of anyone using that product with SS however I'll keep an eye out if I see anything I'll post it.


Active Member
DUDE! whitey78 your the shit. +rep

I have a junk nute box too full of crap iv'e tried and didn't like ( mostly cause i switched to organic )

I completely agree with you about the sketchiness of using Bushmaster, or any other nute from them, I am concerned using it in SS 'cause like you and the label of the bottle said you need to feed your plant strait water before, in-between, and after applying it so you dont fry your plants.

BUT... i does say "derived from sea kelp" right on the front, i know its not OMRI ( OMRI is overrated, needs to only be like 78% organic to get an OMRI stamp ), and as far as i know its just a plant hormone mixed in sea kelp extract.

Micro's brake down organic matter and turn it into food as the plant needs it, the nutrients are not readily available for your plant ( chelated ) like hydro/soil nutes.

So how would it hurt your plant in SS w/RO water?

Not challenging your research I am just confused...


Active Member
i would listen to Whitey78...

ive seen it used b4 and it does work like they say but it kinda messes up the nute schedual, as they tell u to not feed the plants during the time u give them the bushmaster cause it'll burn ur plants...

So if ur using super soil theres really no way to lower the nutes ...

just b carefull...


Active Member
My Vortex are about 3 weeks from harvest and I definitely did not veg long enough. There was this thread here last December something about "When will my Vortex ever stop stretching" or something. So I made a bad decision and flipped them to 12/12 at about 12" tall after a month in 1 gallon pots. I'm looking forward to some primo Vortex but my mistake will cost me in terms of yield.
im with u bro...


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, however I had enough searching and reading about that stuff so I'll pass on a link the place where I found a lot in one place about it... but theres info here on RIU as well as everywhere else, just read up on it before putting it in you ladies dude, the horror stories of burns are what turned me off of the stuff before I started catching the banned in cali threads as well as the more experienced guys would recommend getting LOTS of water through the plants before harvest when using any of HCO's products and getting lots of water through screams chem to me, thats just a reason for me not to use it. I know it sounds kinda stupid, but I'm going for the healthiest herb possible which is why I started trying to grow organically/veganically...(havent mastered the vegan part yet but I'm 100% organic at the moment).

Edit: I'll PM you the link.

Theres a thread by someone named chargersfan in that list, its about using the HCO products in hydro however he compiled a ton of info about them.

I know the bottles say derived from sea kelp, but I use kelp in a few different ways and none of it slows or stops vertical growth, that may be the main ingredient but it isnt the only one, that I am pretty sure of.

I definitely dont want to tell you not to use something but I'll be honest with you, as I said, I have a full bottle of that shit and I really dont care what I had to do to deal with the stretch, I'll figure something out by tying/cutting/flipping earlier/using MH for the first 2 weeks of 12/12...something.... so I wont have to put that shit in my plants. Trust me, I know how good the shit works there is no doubt about that, if it wasnt fucked up in some way everyone would be using it. Are you kidding me, cutting off up to 2 weeks of bloom as well as halts vertical growth completely..... it would be getting a lot more use and press than it is and it has been around for awhile.