Veg time in rockwool



Just wondering what is the maximum veg time in a 6x6 rockwool cube, or just post the longest you've vegged in rockwool. Currently I am starting week 4 and plan on switching to 12/12 at the end of that week. The roots have exploded at the bottom, can't see the rockwool material anymore...

You can veg your plant for as long as you want, just remember they will at least double in size when switched to 12/12. I've vegged from seed for 6 weeks and had plants 16" tall in 6x6 cubes before I switched to 12/12 that grew to over 3 feet. I was using an ebb-flow SCROG with 1000w HPS. Just make sure your roots are never exposed to light for long periods. This causes all kinds of problems. Using a screen is helpful to support the plant and the HUGE nugs you are about to grow. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Thanks, mine are at 16" now and its beginning of week 4, looks like I'm going to run out of space real soon. Will definitely build a screen.