Veg Went Great, Then...


Veg went beautfiully. I've never seen my plants look so beautiful.

I switched them to flower about a week ago, and the top of the plant is a mess. No clue what could be going on. The leaves feel really dry and seem to be losing vigor.

Maybe I need to flush?


1) PICTURE OF PLANT - See attached
2) Growing indoor or outdoors - Indoor
3) Watering schedule - I use nutes every time because I haven't seen any burning. Currently, twice a week.
4) Growing Medium - Canna coco, Canna AB and Cannaboost, using recommended dosage every time I water per the hydro guru at my local shop.
5) What stage of growth - First week of flower
6) Temp and RH - 75 and 22%



Well-Known Member
When the nutes are too high it can/does start to show a leaf tips, edges etc. It may just be the start of the signs of nute burn showing itself ? The leaf is looking crinkly at the edges. It may well be the opposite, feeding from itself as nutes maybe too low ? Can you put a pick up without the HPS ? It looks quite light in colour to me looking at the picture ?


Well-Known Member
What I would do is the following..

Give first a good dose of calmag if she didnt get green by next day ill flush with RO then after 12 hours give half strength nuts, second feeding will be normal as per canna website recommendation ..



Well-Known Member
Shoot for 55% humidity. The crispy edges could be sweating during the dark period. When your lights are off do you have a fan running? Try taking a picture with the hps light off. Could be ph related somewhat, everyone seems to have trouble with canna soils.


Shoot for 55% humidity. The crispy edges could be sweating during the dark period. When your lights are off do you have a fan running? Try taking a picture with the hps light off. Could be ph related somewhat, everyone seems to have trouble with canna soils.
This is what I've done and the leaves seems more like leaves again instead of tissue paper. I don't have the fan running during dark period. Should I? As for PH you could be right. My PH is usually 5.8, though. I haven't flushed at all since I'm using Coco. Maybe that's what I need to do.

Do you water till run off?
I don't because folks were saying that with Coco you don't need to worry about flushing. That said, I think watering with pure water until runoff is probably a good best practice, in between every few feedings of course.

Give first a good dose of calmag if she didnt get green by next day ill flush with RO then after 12 hours give half strength nuts, second feeding will be normal as per canna website recommendation ..
Good call. I'll probably give her a good flush, and then water until runoff with pure PH water in between after every 2 feedings.

When the nutes are too high it can/does start to show a leaf tips, edges etc. It may just be the start of the signs of nute burn showing itself ? The leaf is looking crinkly at the edges. It may well be the opposite, feeding from itself as nutes maybe too low ? Can you put a pick up without the HPS ? It looks quite light in colour to me looking at the picture ?
The leaves are still a nice green, but not a forest green/black you would see with N overdose. I will put up a few pics without the HPS. My bad on that. The plant has no signs of yellowing at all except for that dry crispy part you can see on the top leaf.


Well-Known Member
This is what I've done and the leaves seems more like leaves again instead of tissue paper. I don't have the fan running during dark period. Should I? As for PH you could be right. My PH is usually 5.8, though. I haven't flushed at all since I'm using Coco. Maybe that's what I need to do.

I don't because folks were saying that with Coco you don't need to worry about flushing. That said, I think watering with pure water until runoff is probably a good best practice, in between every few feedings of course.

Good call. I'll probably give her a good flush, and then water until runoff with pure PH water in between after every 2 feedings.

The leaves are still a nice green, but not a forest green/black you would see with N overdose. I will put up a few pics without the HPS. My bad on that. The plant has no signs of yellowing at all except for that dry crispy part you can see on the top leaf.

I dont flush or use just water except when I have a sort of lock out..

Run off is a must with coco unless u use big growing beds I believe or dripping system\ gravity feeding (autopots)however in the last two the ec should be low I believe ...


I dont flush or use just water except when I have a sort of lock out..

Run off is a must with coco unless u use big growing beds I believe or dripping system\ gravity feeding (autopots)however in the last two the ec should be low I believe ...
Isn't watering until runoff sort of like a mini-flush? Why is runoff necessary with Coco? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Isn't watering until runoff sort of like a mini-flush? Why is runoff necessary with Coco? Just curious.

Each time you water with nuts you must have a little run off

I never give just water except if there is lockout like I sayed and even then I usualy feed with nutes after that by 12H mark not even a 24H


Well-Known Member
This is what I've done and the leaves seems more like leaves again instead of tissue paper. I don't have the fan running during dark period. Should I? As for PH you could be right. My PH is usually 5.8, though. I haven't flushed at all since I'm using Coco. Maybe that's what I need to do.

Fan should be on all the time. They sweat at night and when the lights come on they could get burned. Might not be whats going on with you just fix one thing at a time.