2 TBS/gal of lime is what I go with. It works great. I mix it in at the beginning and start adding cal/mag at about week 4 of flowering. I like the lime for the beginning because it does keep you pH really well adjusted at the beginning, before you have a really established microbe colony to do it for you, but depending on how much you use, it will run out. I don't know when that is, but I started adding Cal/Mag at 5ml/gal the rest of the grow and the plants aren't dead, and are quite lovely, lol.
On another note, It is day 60 on the PB's, Matt. Soon I will have my own purple buds and pink ladies to sample.

The pink lady is really finicky and started to flower when I took it from the cloner and transplanted it to its 1gal pot. I just uppotted them, and it is still having a hard time, but she is starting to grow 5 bladed leaves again. I don't know if I want to flower these out. I was thinking of just taking cuts from it when it had a bunch of dense normal growth and trying over. What do you think, Matt? Have you had this problem?