Vegas micro mini grow w limited space....


Well-Known Member
just a little off topic, do you think the yellow/lightness of mine could be light bleaching? It only looks to be the tallest/closest to the light tops. The only thing other thing I can see is zinc deficiency, but I don't think its this. Its not nitrogen deficiency cus all the bottom leaves are dark green. I checked and the 600 was about 8 inches from the tops, I hadn't raised it for a couple of days. I moved it to 12 and I think I'll leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
I had a bit of that last grow, I had my cooltube about 5-6" from the top(400w) and it bleached out a bit, though I think I also had a little cal/mg deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I think I may be using cal mag unnecessarily as well possibly locking out something else, I'm going to quit the cal mag unless they tell me otherwise. I think too much calcium locks out magnesium and vice versa, not sure.


Well-Known Member
Not sure on that one, I just put the dolomite lime in once a month now and no more issues. The lime pellets take time to get to work, but last longer and have the added benefit of helping my soil buffer the pH of the water, particularly handy now that I tried to play basketball with my pH tester.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man im not good w plant problems...i try not to feed too much and when I do its nvr over half a dose...I trust and rely on the soil....I try n keep it as simple as possible to avoid that game...ha


Well-Known Member
Sorry man im not good w plant problems...i try not to feed too much and when I do its nvr over half a dose...I trust and rely on the soil....I try n keep it as simple as possible to avoid that game...ha
I am hoping to be moving that way myself, just top dressings and teas.


Well-Known Member
Not sure on that one, I just put the dolomite lime in once a month now and no more issues. The lime pellets take time to get to work, but last longer and have the added benefit of helping my soil buffer the pH of the water, particularly handy now that I tried to play basketball with my pH tester.
I use this plants have been bttr since.


Well-Known Member
20130814_160504.jpg20130814_160430.jpg20130814_160622.jpgtree close to the house...I think its a Crepe Mrytle....n some fern my mom picked up idk the name but its unique.


Well-Known Member
It may be im not sure...she got it for me when I moved and ive asked her several times n shes always like.."oh shoot u asked me too fast".....:shock: