vegatative lighting questions


Active Member
first time growing and decided to start 1 white widow, 1 wembley, 1 nl x skunk, and 1 wonder woman which has yet to poke the dirt. I soaked overnight in water and planted in jiffy's. as of 3 days later 3 have come up and look as though their streching. i have 1 two lamp fixture 40w T8 for a total of 80 watts. i have it really close to the plants to salvage as much light as possible. is 80 watts sufficient for now and when should i increase to another 2 lamp. how many watts is good to keep 4 plants healthy and growing good before i flower with 400 hps. any help is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I would add at least one or two more of those lamp fixtures. Then add more after 1-2 months. Make sure you're using cool-colored bulbs (5K-7,500) for vegging too.