Vegatative stage? When? How? What? I'm confused?


New Member
After the seed has been germinated and it pops out of its shell and planted.... When is it considered to be in its vegatative state?


Active Member
It will be a seedling for 2-3 weeks,it will grow the first set of leaves but growth will be very slow,when rapid growth starts is the vegetative stage.You will see the plant is actually taking off with growth,happy growing


New Member
In relation to this question, if I'm planning on vegging w/ 1000w mh and flowering with 1000hps in a 4x4 tent, what bulb do you recommend I use for the time it is in a solo cup before i put it into flower? Something not too expensive hopefully...


Well-Known Member
It's still a seedling when it goes into dirt until the roots are filling the pot. After the roots get established underground you will see growth of greenery. That is the start of the veg stage. My quicker strains average an inch a day during veg. BigSteve.


Active Member
No god is correct....use the information provided here or on the world wide web before asking a question like...when does veg state begin? Go read a book, do some research, fuckin Google it for pete's sake. If you can't find and/or understand this basic information on your own then how can you expect to correctly mix nutrients, maintain proper ph, or determine the maturity of trichomes? It's takes a little more effort than just dropping seeds in some independent might just learn something.


Well-Known Member
If you have to ask a question like this you should not be growing cannabis.
dude why do you troll around the newbie section anyways? all I ever see u post is dickhead comments to people. The op was asking basicly when is a plant not considered a seedling any more and considered in veg, which is a very good question for a newbie to ask In my opinion. Growing is not the sole domain of the experienced grower, anyone considering growing should be encouraged not bashed for ignorance

To the OP, I consider veg to be the time between when the first true leaves appear (not cotyledons) which is typically within the first 48 hours of the plant sprouting and standing up straight. Nutes are not recommended until the plant is a few weeks old, has at least 5 nodes, or has started showing signs of deficancy. The nutrients in the seed will support the plant throughout this early phase of its life. If your growing in soil you may not need to use nutes at all for the first month or two depending on how rich your soil is


Well-Known Member
Thx Adjoor, for your kind words to a newbie, we all have start somewhere, I did a lot of reading / research, but people who have exp. can be a great source of info. IMHO


Well-Known Member
dude why do you troll around the newbie section anyways? all I ever see u post is dickhead comments to people. The op was asking basicly when is a plant not considered a seedling any more and considered in veg, which is a very good question for a newbie to ask In my opinion. Growing is not the sole domain of the experienced grower, anyone considering growing should be encouraged not bashed for ignorance

To the OP, I consider veg to be the time between when the first true leaves appear (not cotyledons) which is typically within the first 48 hours of the plant sprouting and standing up straight. Nutes are not recommended until the plant is a few weeks old, has at least 5 nodes, or has started showing signs of deficancy. The nutrients in the seed will support the plant throughout this early phase of its life. If your growing in soil you may not need to use nutes at all for the first month or two depending on how rich your soil is
Two words:


I help out people who have legitimate questions and at least do some basic reading before spamming the forum with a million of these same questions 20 times a day. It gets real old, that's why we have a search bar. If you think that asking what the vegetative state of a plant refers to is a good question, not only are you a lazy retard, you shouldn't be growing vegetables much less cannabis.
You're both right. Yes that is a question that the OP could, and should have easily found the answer to using any search engine or the RIU search bar. But GOD was a little fukin harsh. Dont take it the wrong way.. there are as many stupid posts on here as there are intelligent ones. I just like to try and give people the benefit of the doubt at least once.... Just rip one and laugh it off.


Active Member
Don't be offended....Be objective. Incurring the wrath of god is better than incurring the expense and disappointment of killing your plants simply because you failed to do your homework. God helps those who help themselves...the lazy go to hell. Maybe this is top harsh and you have my sincere apology if you feel singled out. My point is that is if you did some research you would probably answer your own question and possibly even formulate a more informed inquiry that might even help others. We ask, answer, &discuss questions here not only for the benefit of those asking but also for others who may have similar issues.


Well-Known Member
Your all right this information is readily available, however from a terminology standpoint what is considered a seedling and what is considered a vegging plant are not readily aparant to a new grower just starting there research and is a question I myself might have asked when I first started having an interest in this hobby.

Or maybe it was just a random question just to interact with the boards, who knows? but the point is threads in the newbie section are usually going to be from newbs no need to get mad at em
Don't be offended....Be objective. Incurring the wrath of god is better than incurring the expense and disappointment of killing your plants simply because you failed to do your homework. God helps those who help themselves...the lazy go to hell. Maybe this is top harsh and you have my sincere apology if you feel singled out. My point is that is if you did some research you would probably answer your own question and possibly even formulate a more informed inquiry that might even help others. We ask, answer, &discuss questions here not only for the benefit of those asking but also for others who may have similar issues.
Not necessarily... Trial and error is usually the best way to learn. Definitely better than listening to some fucktard who calls himself god insult you. There is much wisdom on this website, I guess people should dig deeper than the noob section. I guess the search bar is the only way. Better than making a post and getting told off.


New Member
No god is correct....use the information provided here or on the world wide web before asking a question like...when does veg state begin? Go read a book, do some research, fuckin Google it for pete's sake. If you can't find and/or understand this basic information on your own then how can you expect to correctly mix nutrients, maintain proper ph, or determine the maturity of trichomes? It's takes a little more effort than just dropping seeds in some independent might just learn something.
I've done my "indapendent research" and my head hurts! Everyone had there own opinion as to what a vegatative is or when it starts... If I post it here it's hear other people options and form my own thought or ideas on it. If you feel the question is below you or you don't want help a fellow hobbiest out DON'T ANSWER and move on.