Vegetation question


Active Member
Hello all!

I have a question about vegetation - primarily about the length of time I need to veg my plants. I've looked all over the net and can't find anything that suggests a definite length of time for vegetation. Obviously I'm a noob, and I'd be happy getting a moderate amount of bud from these plants.

I've attached pics to show the rough size of each. The one in the back on the right is the runt - don't think he's gonna make it. But the rest are doing very well.



Well-Known Member
you need more light that is closer to your plants. also look into topping and pruning to create bushier plants. with a good light to flower under, you should plan on veging for anywhere between 4 and 10 weeks depening on your grow style. look up subcool's thread on canopy management. I veg for 8 weeks in soil to get 3 foot round bushes to flower from.


Active Member
your plant will let you know when it is ready to flower....branches will alternate vs. being symmetrical. Yo can force them to flower early but you will need to get that plant bushier or it will not be able to support any fat nugs. Its growing tall and skinny most likely due to insufficient light.


Well-Known Member
Your light is way too far away get it closer, and it would help if you had a hanging light so you could adjust its height as it grows, by moderate I hope you mean barely anything because with your current light thats what your going to get.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips guys!

What you can't see is that there are 2 flourescent lights mounted on the pieces of wood over top of the plants. I actually just added the big lamp for more intensity.

I know it probably won't yield much. This was mainly a start to get a female or two for cloning.

What would be the cheapest solution for more light or more appropriate light?