Vegetative/Flowering Lighting Questions


I am currently getting ready to build a grow room in my garage which I am hoping can support at least 4 plants of different strains (Mother Plants) which i can clone off of and then put the clones into a 4x4 flowering room. The Veg room itself, will be about 8Hx4Wx5L. I watched the Mr. Green "how to grow chronic" to get an idea of what to do, then shortly after i read on the forums here that fluorescents don't really penetrate the plant enough to get it to grow tall and strong. Instead it just makes them stalky, so you don't really get 100% Yield. I know they will work but i want to try and get the best growth from my plants that i can.

I hear that low watt HPS bulbs are great for keeping plants in a veg state but are they good for seedlings too?. Then you have have other types of HPS for flowering. So I'm really curious which would best suit my needs. right now im using fluorescents bulbs with a combination of 1 cool white 40 watt and 1 warm white 40 watt. Each are in a fixture which is exactly 4ft long and 4 1/2 inches wide.

1. what kind of lighting setup would be best to have for a veg room aside from fluorescents?

2. Should i just use the fluorescents for seedling till they are big enough for better lighting?

3. How many plants could i essentially flower in a 4x4 room?

4. What type of HPS bulb should i use to that same 4x4 flowering room depending on the number of plants i could possibly flower in there?

We will begin construction of the rooms tomorrow, so i will upload photos when it is completed. that way you will all have a better idea of this first timers setup and what its going to look like. I really enjoy the site and its been very helpful so im looking forward to some of your intelligent feedback.



Active Member
I use a 250w CFL for veg and a 600w HPS for flower and this works out pretty well. I would say most people veg with CFL's and flower with HPS's to get the most bud. My setup is about 4x5 and I have 6 plants under my 600w HPS in flower ~ they're a little crowded but doing fine. I would say go with a 400w - 600w for flower but it's up to you, when you're dealing with a HPS heat can become a problem so make sure you can cool the sucker down before your purchase one.


Ok So i know its been a while but i have been busy with the plants and making sure that everything im doing in regards to aeroponics is correct, so far so good. Right now i have 2 250watt cfl's with a really good blue spectrum and a fan which is helping to keep air moving. We have a 20 gallon reservoir but i am currently using only 5 gallons with supernatural aqua grow and keeping the PH at a steady 6.0. We also have a clone from a LAX strain which is currently in organic soil and using the same nutrients as the aeroponics and seems to be loving it.

As you can see the root structure is doing fine and once they reach the bottom of the reservoir i get some sanitized scissors and trim the roots 2"" inches from net pot.



The Biggest plant is the White Widow which is roughly about 14 inches tall and started growing the day after I built the room on oct 27th. Im really wanting these plants to grow at least 5ft if possible, what im really trying to accomplish is getting at least a lb from each clone.



:wall:The Fireog is no more, it apparently decided to go south overnight. I recently changed the nutrients from flora grow to aqua-grow which has better assortment of nutrients and which must have put the little guy into shock, on top of which we had it outside of its natural habitat for about an hour while re-arranging the CFl's too. Didn't think it would have that problem but guess this is a learning experience.
what nutrients do i need ? where can i buy them? and how much would it run me. my plant is about a month and a half old and the tips are yellow! but im lost about what i need to do


Can you post any pics of your plant? also what are you currently using right now for nutrients? what kind of setup do you have?