vegging for 4 weeks now, how do they look??


Well-Known Member
Ummm, yeah, about that, apparently my stoned ass missed that, sorry!! Luckily, that is probably about what I used!! Thanks for the help!!
I didn't mean for you to use that amount, I was just trying to give you some reference as a starting point.
Glad all worked out!


Well-Known Member
my plant is turning yellow at the tips of some of the leafs what does that mean and what can i do to fix it
It would be good polite etiquette, and you will get more answers if you start your own thread.
It it rude to jack someone else's thread like that, and sometimes you will get ignored for that reason, or the fact people reading are following the updates on the OP (Original Poster's) thread.
Just go up, start your thread, and give us some information, like how often and how much you water it, temps, PH of your water, any fertilizer you may be giving and how often, and pictures always help.
Just saying yellowing leafs could mean one or more of 10 different things.