vegging indoor, flower outdoor?


Active Member
So im in sunny so cal and i have been vegging a couple Sour Diesel clones indoors under cfls. So i know i have go ween them into sunlight but my question is if they will flower completely before the days are too long? They are under an 18/6 schedule right now but i can no longer keep my lights running due to security reasons....

I need about 10 weeks of flower...if i throw them out say Monday will i be able to finish or will they reveg around April?

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
If you start to flower them 3-4 weeks prior to putting them out there you should be able to finish but if you toss them out there now I don't think that they will. I believe you will start to reveg in june in the early stages of flower if you just toss them out from 18/6 now.


Active Member
sounds like a crapshoot unless you have a light deprivation (cover it with a tarp,stakes) setup. but then you would have to go cover it for a couple hours before dark and take it off at night or in the mornin. Thats one option.


Active Member
Thanks just gonna flower indoors ...if i have the lights on from 6am to 6pm they wouldnt be on during the night when its obvious as fuck...this would eliminate both security and revegging problems


Active Member
So im in sunny so cal and i have been vegging a couple Sour Diesel clones indoors under cfls. So i know i have go ween them into sunlight but my question is if they will flower completely before the days are too long? They are under an 18/6 schedule right now but i can no longer keep my lights running due to security reasons....

I need about 10 weeks of flower...if i throw them out say Monday will i be able to finish or will they reveg around April?

Thanks guys
They will be fine outdoors. I do this all year long.. I'm in the same area as you.. I mainly grow Strawberry Diesel. I veg them indoors til they are a couple feet high and then stick them in the sunshine. Even the longest day outside is much shorter than the 18 hours they get indoors. Once I stick them outside they go straight to flower. I stick 3 outside every 30 days, starting in March, and harvest every month from about May til November.. Small harvests once a month are a lot easier to deal with than one massive one at the end of the season.

Good Luck !!