Vegging left lights off extra hour( so they turned on at 2 am)How do i correct?


Hi Im vegging currently, and left the lights off and extra hour, so it went 17/7, and normally its 18/6.... But my other problem is that now I turned it on at 2 am in the morning(7 hours off), I want to put it back to 18/6(hopefully they r fine) but I cant be waking after midnight, i need to turn the lights back on at 11 pm(18/6) so Im wondering how I correct this? leave the lights on for 2 days 24 hours so i can turn them off at 5 pm, and back on at 11 pm? thats my whole issue I left the lights on by mistake when i was suppost to have them turned off at 11pm I need them turned off at this time on a 18/6 period... Are they ok? and how do i go about correcting this? I Have no timer, and this is the only way i can do it. So if i just turned them off at 5 pm tomorrow then that means they got 15 hours of light? so to correct this i would have to leave them on for 24 hourS? so i can turn it off ay 5pm and back on at 11 pm? please help im really confused....

Thanks, any help is appreciated!


Active Member
They will be fine, just put them back on their regular schedule and try not to let it happen again :)


Well its temporary and they are going outside, but yes I know a timer would help but i cant get one currently.... BUt the only way i can fix this problem in my opinion is to leave them on till 8 pm tomorrow so thats 18 hours on, and id have to turn them off at 11 pm, so then the next day id turn it off at 5 pm, and back on at 11pm( So from this day on it would be 18/6)Would this be ok? because if I turn it off at 5pm tomorrow then that will have only been 15 hours on, and this does not sound healthy... Please tell me you understand.. I have to have them turned off at 11pm. So for one day it will be off at 8 pm and on at 11pm.. Im sorry to bug you guys with these odd questions.

Thanks again


Active Member
HcThat's why I run my lights 24/7

I actually saw a timer for 3bucks
At walma#rt a whileback btw

Timers are a must for flowering I was actually flowering with no timer and it was a BITCH.