vegging plants under 40w t5's


Well-Known Member
I want to see if I can veg the plants under t5's, re pot and put under the 600w for a week and flower
the veg room is small 12" (W) 14" (L) 12"(H)

I have trimmed the pots down to 4" and there 5" wide so the plants can grow 8" high before touching the t'5s
the ideal is I will keep topping and trimming them back so there a lot of short thick shoots 6" long, re pot, pull the sides down and veg for a week and flower


pack of 5 skunk 1 seeds :)


my lights i am vegging under

5 plants.jpg

I dropped them in a cup of water ten days ago and now there been in veg for about 3 days

that's the great thing about buying a strain that is very stable and been around a very long time

only going to keep 4 of the plants, don't like odd number of plants in the flower room as its always lead to wasted space, 4 plants under a 600w should work out just fine


Well-Known Member
6 days in veg and there looking good but a little purple under the leaves, going to give it a few more days and top them.
I should get 4 tops on each of the plants

veg room.jpg


Well-Known Member
13 days in veg and there looking good :)

the plants didn't make it to the 4 set of nodes so I will wait until I pot them up

I have kept the plants close to the t5's to stop any stretch and keep the nodes very close
and the other thing I have done is made them very hungry so the the lower leaves start to yellow (cheap soil and only give them water)

this helps by slowing down the growth of the plants and keeps the nodes close

the plants redirects all there energy into growing roots so I left them as long as I could without causing the leaves to go too yellow.

group of 5.jpg


At this stage the plants are 2.5" wide and between 1-2" high but the root mass has filled the 3" peat pot and grown out the bottom at least an inch, bright white


so now its time to pot up the 4 best plants and this is how I pot up so I don't damage the roots

1. place a empty peat pot in a pot and push the soil down round the sides to the pot is full and about 1/2" below the top

pot up 1.jpg

2 take the peat pot out the pot being careful to keep the shape and slide a plant in the hole and push it down firm but careful

pot up 2.jpg

cover the pot with 1/2" of soil and drop pot in a container in water for a couple of minutes so the soil is soaked, job done :)

pot up 3.jpg
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Well-Known Member
14 days in veg and I am waiting for some of the leaves to yellow/brown on the plants

but there looking green and healthy, the shortest plant 1.5" high to the tallest plant 2" there very little difference between them :)

here some more pics

top view.jpg

close up.jpg

grow room.jpg

line up.jpg

short close up.jpg


Well-Known Member
There looking a tad hungry other then that vegging with them T5's will do great
yer thats the plan, keep them slightly hungry so I get a large root mass, small plant and in the last week of veg, give them some nutes so they explode in growth under a 600w hps :)

also I need to keep them small for about 5 weeks, as there unlikely to show sex or be ready for flower before then
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Well-Known Member
18 days in veg and they have only grown about 1/2" but are ready for topping and a little top trim so the lower nodes can grow quicker than the higher ones

I have decided to go for 6 main shoots per plant

I have waited till the soil is very dry and given the plants a good soak about 1/2 hour before topping/trimming

here some pics before

canopy before.jpg


side view before.jpg

and the plants after the topping/trim

canopy after.jpg


close up of a topped plant

top view.jpg

side view.jpg

the ideal was to get all the plants to have the same canopy size and height

so they all stay about the same height.
one plants about 1/2" taller than the rest, but they have all been topped just above the 3rd set of nodes and canopy size is the same on all 4 plants :)
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Well-Known Member
(messed up the dates, they started veg on the 22 July so they been in veg for 17 days)

17 days in veg and the plants have done well since I top them and trimmed the top fan leaves

there all about the same height now 3" :)

I have not given them any nutes and they have been grown in cheap soil, under 40 watts of t5 light and the results are really good

there starting to smell so in the next few days I will have to move the grow cab to the shed and this may affect there growth but time will tell
here some pictures


2 plants.jpg

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Well-Known Member
just took the top fan leaves off and trimmed back some of the leaves to encourage the lower shoots to grow and give the plants a better shape

here some pic's before and after

before line up.jpg

line up after.jpg


close up before.jpg


close up after.jpg

after veg room.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Why are your plants all hacked up? It's like a slasher film
View attachment 3477211
Poor little plants...
Its the way I like to grow my plants, here some pics from a few years back at 3 different stages, done it so many times, I am not sure if the 3 pic's are from the same plant, this may give you a better understanding of what I am doing

late veg


early flower

early veg.JPG

late flower


this time I am trying to keep the nodes a lot closer and keeping the plants a lot smaller, till they go under the 600w hps.
with a good size root mass and with lots of shoots, the plant will explode in size under the 600w after a few days and then its time to flower.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help mate but I checked the roots and I can't see any problems but what makes think I have root aphids ?
Your root that perlite or vermiculite stuck to it also? the little discolored yellow bit looks like the shape etc


Well-Known Member
24 days in veg and I am going to put the plants in flower tomorrow after potting them up in 10ltr pots
there looking really good and I think there a high chance the plants will grow 3 times there size in flower and fill the flower room (90cm x 100cm) under the 600w hps

here some pics

veg room.jpg

line up.jpg


Well-Known Member
update of how there getting on and I have just re potted them and turned them over flower :)

last day in veg

veg room.jpg

first day in flower there about 8" wide and 6" high :) so there off to a good start
