Vegging under my 400w to speed growth?


Well-Known Member
Hello and thanks for looking in,

I have a lag period and my flowering room in now empty and ready. However my plants are only in there first week under my veg light of 125w Envirolite it looks at least 4 weeks away normally from ready for when i tend to flower.

Now i understand my 400w Grolux lamp can also be used for vegging so can i put these under my 400w grolux and veg them ?

Can i ask is it the time it takes for a veg plant to be the correct height and matured enough that's important not necessary the amount of veg time its given?

So what im trying to understand if i veg under my 400w grolux and say in two weeks they reach about 1 and a half foot which is normally when i like to flower is this ok to then then flower. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Right for some reason i had it in my head a plant needs to veg slowly given normally about 4 weeks before its ready.

So this is not true and a plant vegged can be ready as quick as the light given, so a 400w HDS could have it ready in 2 weeks then thats cool then ? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have started flowering as small as 10 just depends on what you want to if you start from seed its a little different...seedlings dont take to hid's very well..but clones are fairly old from the beginning because they are from a plant that has been vegging for a it mostly depends on how big you want them..just keep the light a good distance from the plants for the first few days and let them get used to it..then they will come around and start growing very fast..


Well-Known Member
Ahh hang on yes mine are from seed.

There are about 2 half inches tall and have a root development of about 4 inches what do you recommend still follow what you said above will they be ok? :roll:


Well-Known Member
yes they will be fine as long as your careful...just keep in mind they are young and anything you do its best to ease them into i would keep the light fairly high for a few days..maybe run it 18/6 or 20/4...and they may show some small signs of shock or they may not..either way just make sure they are watered enough to be damp but not soaked or dry the first few days..then give them a good soak after about 4 or 5 days...they will start growing super fast after that...just remember to ease them into it as best you can and they will be just fine..