Vegging with HPS. Good or Bad? ++rep


Well-Known Member
im vegging right now under a 400 watt hps. so far ive spent about 350 dollars on my op, i realize thats not a lot but this is my first and im at the end of my budget so i cant afford a MH coversion bulb. are there negative effects from vegging under the HPS? will this effect yield? Thank you for your help!!!bongsmilie


I used to use T5s then moved to 400w hps. They have been growing faster, thicker and taller, only difference I see. Keep in mind that in my specific op I go mother->clone->flower so I want my clones like that.


Well-Known Member
WESMKDRO, That will work fine man. HPS is not the optimum color of light and you may have better results with MH but it will work fine. I've seen HT articles on the subject and the results were not that much different, so it definately will work.


Well-Known Member
My first ever seeds sprouted with a success rate of 12/15 and are growing vigorously and without a hitch under my 400w HPS.


Yeah T5s worked great, lower inter nodes and dont put out a lot of heat. Not to mention they probably don't use nearly the energy of a 400w HPS. I had an 8 bulb Sun Blaze set up and loved it but went to HPS for the bigger thicker cuts for going straight into flower from clone. I used the T5s for seedlings too and it worked great.


BTW when I say shorter internodes it really isnt by much. Don't take that too literal, my sativas still stretched like crazy. :D


yeah my 600 watter is being used during veggy and its growing very fast.
If even got the bulb quite close because outside the grow area is soo cold.
temp is around 25-30 deg in grow area atm


Well-Known Member
i have successfully harvested 35g from my first grow 1 plant using
1 x 24w 18" t5 6400k
1 x 600w hps
used the t5 for 1week then went 18 6 with the hps .. the only down side is that your leaves arent as green as they could be or as dense.

i will be using mh next time to see the difference ..
