VelVet 2008 - Breeding/growing free Software


Active Member
- normally in the folder u have :

double click on velvet2k8.bat, so velvet will be open

u can now write your infos, text, ...

click save button and type a name for the file - enter -
u have now a file "name-u-give.str" in the same folder.

u can open it using loads button
and normally all your informations you typed in are back


Well-Known Member

Thanks for providing us with this free software, looks very handy. Going to try it out on my next grow.

It's perfect timing, last week I put a small htpc sized box in the grow room and networked it all so I can monitor it from afar, and shut down and turn on things if need be. Got everything I needed at, and now an extra program to load onto the box thx to you.

I just downloaded this and will load it on the box in the growroom soon.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for providing us with this free software, looks very handy. Going to try it out on my next grow.

It's perfect timing, last week I put a small htpc sized box in the grow room and networked it all so I can monitor it from afar, and shut down and turn on things if need be. Got everything I needed at, and now an extra program to load onto the box thx to you.

I just downloaded this and will load it on the box in the growroom soon.

Thank you.
Lets hope you know how to secure your network, cause thats a shit load of personal information your putting out of the net.......

IE: you must have an IP address on that box in your room to monitor is remotely right? you know IP are traceable, via your ISP (internet service provider), and that if someone did stumble on your network, they could royally Fuck your grow right. Just some food for thought, I'm an IT guy and i would never consider doing that, too many places to secure.....


Active Member
anyway, velvet is perfectly secure (if your computer is secure too ^^)

happy to see somebody trying breeding experience guy :)