Ventalation questions


I bought this storage shed and am converting it to a fall/winter grow shed.

One door was replaced in order to install a 20" box fan in the door to push air out but what are your suggestions for bringing in fresh air? What about a secondary oscillating fan for the inside?? I have a single 1000w grow light that I'll be using. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Not sure where you live... how cold does it get in the winter? The 1000W will provide some heat but not when the lights go don't want severe fluctuations in temps so you need some climate control...


I'm in Calif and it doesn't get that cold here. Planning on running the lights at night to help with that cold. The inside will be insulated in that shiny styrofoam insulation with mylar as necessary.


I searched this question and after reading for an hour or more decided to just ask. What is the amount of time you let your grow huts stabilize before adding plants? I don't want to rush into anything and find out I wasn't ready just yet to add plants.


Well-Known Member
make sure your space is a HOSTILE environment for pests. Clean. Clean and Clean again. Make sure you spray anti-bug stuff. Keep um safe, Keep um secret.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I would just rig up a light proof passive air intake. Probably on the upper area, so it brings the cold air down from the top. Passive meaning, its a hole. You'll have to match up the size of the hole with the amount of air you're moving out. Too small of a hole, and the fan will be working too hard, too big, and you won't be able to control your exhaust. You want to creat a little bit of a negative air pressure. gl.